Read the old Gakushin DC application Word file (.doc) from Python and try to operate it.


I heard from a university clerk that it is difficult to check the Kakenhi Application Form. .. Currently, he seems to be putting red one by one by hand.

--Are you filling out according to the application guidelines? --Are the figures and references properly included? ――Is the achievement list in the proper format?

It would be nice to have an automatic check tool. I hope I can make an automatic check tool with Python! While thinking, it is a heavy load to make immediately, so I first tried reading and writing Word files from Python. As a sample according to the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research application, the author submitted in June 2011 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSCE) I read the application form. If you are not familiar with Gakushin, you may get an emotional response when you ask a familiar doctoral student.

How to read a Word file from Python?

Read from a word file in python

There are mainly python-docx and docx2txt, both of which are .docx. Only files are supported. As we will see later, when reading a .doc file, you will need to convert it to .docx with antiword. Since docx2txt can read text from headers, footers, and hyperlinks, I mainly tried it with docx2txt this time.


Install python-docx


pip install python-docx

It seems that python-docx only supports up to Python 3.4, but it works with Python 3.7. I didn't get Python 3.4 in Anaconda, so I left it at 3.7.

Install docx2txt


pip install docx2txt

antiword installation

As I'll explain later, the Word file I wanted to read as a sample was in .doc format instead of .docx. Cannot open .doc format files with python-docx. I feel like I lost to opening it in Word and saving it as .docx, so I tried to convert it with antiword.

Install with apt-get: failed

In conclusion, I couldn't install antiword with apt-get on Mac. I thought that antiword should be apt-get, and fink / yu-sa / items / 351969b281f3aea5e03d) is inserted, and it is said that there is no JDK during the installation of fink. I was skipped to the download page (of course installing Flash player didn't help).


sudo apt-get antiword

Output result

E: Invalid operation antiword

Install with brew: Success


brew install antiword

I looked at here and entered the brew command, and it was installed successfully.


(base) akpro:~ kageazusa$ antiword
	Name: antiword
	Purpose: Display MS-Word files
	Author: (C) 1998-2005 Adri van Os
	Version: 0.37  (21 Oct 2005)
	Status: GNU General Public License
	Usage: antiword [switches] wordfile1 [wordfile2 ...]
	Switches: [-f|-t|-a papersize|-p papersize|-x dtd][-m mapping][-w #][-i #][-Ls]
		-f formatted text output
		-t text output (default)
		-a <paper size name> Adobe PDF output
		-p <paper size name> PostScript output
		   paper size like: a4, letter or legal
		-x <dtd> XML output
		   like: db (DocBook)
		-m <mapping> character mapping file
		-w <width> in characters of text output
		-i <level> image level (PostScript only)
		-L use landscape mode (PostScript only)
		-r Show removed text
		-s Show hidden (by Word) text

It's a 2005 tool!

Read / write test with python-docx

After copying and pasting the code in the latter half of here, it worked and I was able to create and read a Word file. There seems to be no problem with Python 3.7. In addition, when I copied and moved the code in the comment section of here, docx_simple_service could not be read. I'm guessing it's probably due to the Python version.


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'docx_simple_service'

Convert .doc file to .docx file with antiword and read with doc2txt

I will finally read the sample.


Use an application like this. It was an era when Borders that have disappeared recently was active. Since it is a .doc file, it cannot be read by Python as it is. I couldn't find the final version of the Word file, so I will use the version slightly earlier than the final version that I submitted an email and had the office checked. スクリーンショット 2020-10-26 23.22.11.png

Read .doc file

I could read it immediately with the function in the answer here. Only the specified part of path has been changed slightly. I converted the .doc file to a .docx file with antiword and read it, and immediately deleted the read .docx file.


import os, docx2txt

def get_doc_text(filepath, file):
    if file.endswith('.docx'):
       text = docx2txt.process(file)
       return text
    elif file.endswith('.doc'):
       # converting .doc to .docx
       doc_file = os.path.join(filepath, file)
       docx_name = file + 'x'
       docx_file = os.path.join(filepath, docx_name)
       if not os.path.exists(docx_file):
          os.system('antiword ' + doc_file + ' > ' + docx_file)
          with open(docx_file) as f:
             text =
          os.remove(docx_file) #docx_file was just to read, so deleting
          # already a file with same name as doc exists having docx extension, 
          # which means it is a different file, so we cant read it
          print('Info : file with same name of doc exists having docx extension, so we cant read it')
          text = ''
       return text

I was able to read it! スクリーンショット 2020-10-27 22.45.58.png

Try to extract the contents of each subheading

I would like to use the text I read to extract the content of each subheading. In this example, the subheadings are enclosed in []. [Problem]

Text formatting

Delete line breaks, etc.


gakushin = get_doc_text('./sample', '110624GakushinDraftKAGE2.1.doc')
gakushin = gakushin.replace('\n', '').replace('|', '').replace('\u3000', '')

スクリーンショット 2020-10-28 19.57.37.png There is still continuous space left, so delete it while looking at here.


import re

#Delete continuous space to make one half-width space
gakushin = re.sub('[  ]+', ' ', gakushin)

There are places where I want space to remain, such as between et al. And the year, so I left one half-width space for the time being. Strictly speaking, it's best to remove all spaces and then replace only around et al. Or &. スクリーンショット 2020-10-28 20.06.55.png

Extraction of subheadings

Try to search for the part enclosed in []. I'm a weak person with regular expressions, so I searched and referred to here and it worked.


re.findall('\【.+?\】', gakushin)

Output result

 '[Solutions, research objectives, research methods, features and original points]',
 '[Research progress 1]',
 '[Research progress 2]',
 '[Background of future research plans]',
 '[Problems / Points to be solved]',
 '[How did you come up with the idea]',
 '[No oral presentation / peer review]',
 '[Poster presentation / peer review]',
 '[Motivation for aspiring to a research position]',
 '[Aiming researcher image]',
 '[Self-advantages, etc.]',
 '[Especially excellent academic performance and awards]',
 '[Characteristic extracurricular activities]']

The subheadings have been extracted!

Extraction of sentences under subheadings

Let's store the subheadings in a variable and use the subheadings themselves to split the text gakushin.


subhead = re.findall('\【.+?\】', gakushin)
text = gakushin
split_result = []

for i in range(len(subhead)):
    new_text = text.split(subhead[i])
    text = new_text[1]
#Only the last one[1]Put in

スクリーンショット 2020-10-28 22.15.43.png I was able to divide the text into subheadings and list them. Let's check the number of elements.


print('Number of subheading elements', len(subhead))
print('Number of elements in the divided sentence', len(split_result))

Output result

Number of subheading elements 18
Number of elements in the divided sentence 19

Number of subheading elements + 1 = Number of elements of sentences divided by subheadings, and the calculation seems to be correct. Try storing it in a pandas DataFrame so that the subheading and the text below it match. The first element of the list split_result will be discarded.


import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame([subhead, split_result[1:19]]).T
df.columns = ['subhead', 'text']

スクリーンショット 2020-10-28 22.22.46.png

Subheadings and the text below them have been associated. Let's count the number of characters and put it in the data frame.


df['length'] = df.text.apply(len)

スクリーンショット 2020-10-28 22.38.25.png The item [2-2] seems to be particularly long. Even just looking at this, it is not clear what [2-2] stands for. It looks like a research plan, but the reason why there is no [1] is unknown.


I was able to read the .doc file from Python and manipulate the text. I would like to try various things in the future.


-Research Fellow | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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