Vim with Atom

Atom + VIM + shortcut


Try VIM-like binding settings

--setting → open the settings folder --The keymap is based on tekkoc's Vim binding and spacevim. --Changed to p (panel) because the accidental explosion in the time lag of s hurts.


  'space space': 'command-palette:toggle'
  'space ,': 'application:show-settings'
  'space down': 'jumpy:toggle'
  'space 0': 'window:toggle-full-screen'
  'space 1': 'maximize-panes:maximize'
  'space 2': 'vim-mode-plus:maximize-pane'
  'space ¥': 'tree-view:toggle'
  'space /': 'fuzzy-finder:toggle-file-finder'
  'space w': 'core:save'
  'space q': 'core:close'
  'space c': 'pane:close'
  'space r': 'script:run'
  'space p n': 'application:new-file'
  'space p o': 'application:open-file'
  'space p c': 'pane:close'
  'space p [': 'pane:show-previous-recently-used-item'
  'space p ]': 'pane:show-next-recently-used-item'
  'space p s': 'pane:split-left-and-copy-active-item'
  'space p v': 'pane:split-up-and-copy-active-item'
  'space p h': 'window:focus-pane-on-left'
  'space p l': 'window:focus-pane-on-right'
  'space p j': 'window:focus-pane-below'
  'space p k': 'window:focus-pane-above'
  'space p p': 'project-manager:list-projects'
  'space p m': 'project-manager:alt-confirm'
  'space z c': 'editor:fold-current-row'
  'space z f': 'editor:unfold-current-row'
  'space b b': 'bookmarks:toggle-bookmark'
  'space b l': 'bookmarks:view-all'
  'space b j': 'bookmarks:jump-to-next-bookmark'
  'space b c': 'bookmarks:clear-bookmarks'
  'space g g': 'go-to-line:toggle'
  'space g j': 'tabler:go-to-line'
  'space e =': 'editor:auto-indent'
  'space e u': 'editor:upper-case'
  'space e l': 'editor:lower-case'
  'space e b': 'atom-beautify:beautify-editor'
  'space o p': 'markdown-preview:toggle'
  'space o d': 'split-diff:toggle'
  'space o t': 'todo-show:find-in-workspace'
  'space o r': 'rest-client:show'

When using Hydrogen on mac (2/12)

--If you use mac + Hydrogen, cmd-enter will be crushed (you can use it with Insert-Mode).


#Add the following to the above settings(For MAC)
  'space 2': 'vim-mode-plus:maximize-pane'
  'cmd-enter': 'hydrogen:run'

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