Install vim7.3 (+ python2.4) from source (compatible with Gundo.vim)


I want to use vim7.3. If you are using an application on the OS with MacVim or Gvim, there is no problem. Because I often work on a remote server There is no choice but to install the source and wrap it up. It is also a useful undo management plugin. To use Gundo.vim, with a Python 2.4 path Must be compiled. I couldn't find a way to do it on the internet Summarize the measures taken this time

Decide the installation directory.

In my environment, ~ / local / bin / vim is an alias for vi Install under ~ / local / src /. Of course, if you have a VPS or a dedicated server, there is no problem under / usr / local /. If you want to be under / usr / local /, replace ~ / local / with / usr / local / in a timely manner The alias is cut in .zshrc as shown below

$ vi .zshrc

alias vi="$HOME/local/bin/vim"


Check for the latest version of vim

Check the latest version and patch files on the Official Site. Source File Patch File Also check the patch number. * This time it is 780.

Install the required libraries.

Ignore if already installed Make sure Python is 2.4 or above. If not, please install from the source.

$ sudo yum install wget
$ sudo yum install ncurses-devel
$ sudo yum install patch
$ sudo yum install make
$ sudo yum install gcc
$ sudo yum install python
$ sudo yum install python-devel

After installation, check where the Python config directory is. In my environment, it was /usr/lib64/python2.6/config. This depends on the installation method and the server.

Get the source with wget and unzip it.

$ cd ~/local/src/
$ wget
$ tar xjvf vim-7.3.tar.bz2

Apply the patch in the unzipped directory.

$ cd vim73
$ mkdir patches
$ cd patches
$ curl -O '[001-780]'

*Wait for a while until the download is complete

$ cd ../
$ cat patches/* | patch -p0


Specify Python as a configure setting. Also, because the installation directory is under the user's ~ / local / bin / Specify a directory.

$ ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-pythoninterp --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib64/python2.6/config --enable-fail-if-missing --prefix=/home/i3pinet/local --enable-multibyte --disable-selinux
$ make
$ make install


Launch vi and verify that the version is 7.3. Also check if Gundo.vim is enabled. It is assumed that the plugin has been installed.

$ vi
->Version 7.Be 3

Check Gundo with vi

$ vi sample.txt

*I will write something appropriately.

->Gundo is displayed by quickfix

Plugins registered in vim will be summarized when you feel like it

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