Bulk download images from specific URLs with python


In the previously written "Download images from a specific site URL in bulk with python", for example

<img src="../sample.png ">

This time, I fixed the problem that the image could not be downloaded due to ERROR. However, this program is basically root on the url? I'm thinking of a case where it is divided on (http: // domain name / hierarchy). (I'm pretty poor at explaining and I don't understand what I'm saying (^^;) ↑)

Added code

What I added in this code is a function called get_url_root. Arguments: url entered by the user Return value: url up to the domain name. If the return value is 0, it means ERROR.


def get_url_root(url):
    if("http://" in url):
        url_delet_http = url.lstrip("http://")
        if("/" in url_delet_http):
            url_root = "http://" + url_delet_http[0:url_delet_http.find("/")]
            return url_root
    elif("https://" in url):
        url_delet_https = url.lstrip("https://")
        if("/" in url_delet_http):
            url_root = "http://" + url_delet_http[0:url_delet_http.find("/")]
            return url_root
    return 0

Edited code

Finally, the part where you actually download the image. If the url contains " ../ ", use the above function to get the url up to the domain name and For example, change the .. part of ../sample.png to http://sample.com/sample.png.


for j in range(0,(len_url-1)):
        url = number_url[j]
        if("../" in url):
            root_url = get_url_root(serch_url)
                url = url.replace("..",root_url)
                print url



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

import urllib
import urllib2
import os.path
import sys
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser

def download(url):
    img = urllib.urlopen(url)
    localfile = open(os.path.basename(url),'wb')

def get_url_root(url):
    if("http://" in url):
        url_delet_http = url.lstrip("http://")
        if("/" in url_delet_http):
            url_root = "http://" + url_delet_http[0:url_delet_http.find("/")]
            return url_root
    elif("https://" in url):
        url_delet_https = url.lstrip("https://")
        if("/" in url_delet_http):
            url_root = "http://" + url_delet_http[0:url_delet_http.find("/")]
            return url_root
    return 0

class imgParser(HTMLParser):

    def __init__(self):

    def handle_starttag(self,tagname,attribute):
        if tagname.lower() == "img":
            for i in attribute:
                if i[0].lower() == "src":
                    #Creating a file that collects the URLs of the acquired photos
                    f = open("collection_url.txt","a")

if __name__ == "__main__":

    print('Enter the URL of the site where you want to get the photo.')
    input_url = raw_input('>>>  ')
    serch_url = input_url
    htmldata = urllib2.urlopen(serch_url)

    print('Currently getting image files...')

    parser = imgParser()


    #Read the generated file
    f = open("collection_url.txt","r")
    for row in f:
        row_url = row.split('\t')
        len_url = len(row_url)

    number_url = []

    for i in range(0,(len_url-1)):

    for j in range(0,(len_url-1)):
        url = number_url[j]
        if("../" in url):
            root_url = get_url_root(serch_url)
                url = url.replace("..",root_url)
                print url

    print('The image download is complete.')

    #Delete file

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