Is there a graph image but no data ...? If you have an image, extract it.
pandas 0.7.3 documentation -Plotting with matplotlib
↑ ~~ If it is so fine, you cannot expect much accuracy. .. .. ~~
Get the desired graph by selecting the color gamut ↓ Average in the vertical direction ↓ Interpolate for the number of samples you want ↓ Scale adjustment ↓ output
** You can run it in Colab here **
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets import interact
import requests
from PIL import Image
import io
path = "Image path"
im = plt.imread(path)
if im.shape[2] == 4:im = im[:,:,:-1]
if im.max() > 1:im /= 255
h, w, _ = im.shape
@interact(x_min=(0, w), x_max=(0, w), y_min=(0,h), y_max=(0,h))
def Plot(x_min=0, x_max=w, y_min=0, y_max=h):
global imag
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
imag = im[min(y_min,y_max-1):max(y_min+1, y_max), min(x_min,x_max-1):max(x_min+1, x_max)]
@interact(x=(0, imag.shape[1]), y=(0,imag.shape[0]), thresh=(1,10))
def Plot(x, y, thresh):
global p
p = ((imag - imag[y, x]) ** 2).sum(axis=2) < (1 / (1<<thresh))
plt.plot([x, x], [0, imag.shape[0]], color="r")
plt.plot([0, imag.shape[1]], [imag.shape[0]-y, imag.shape[0]-y], color="r")
p = np.pad(p, 1, "constant")
sx = np.arange(len(p[0]))[p.argmax(axis=0)!=0]
sy = []
for i in p.T:
j = np.where(i!=0)[0]
if j.tolist():
@interact(sample=(5, 1250), conv_size=(1, 21, 2))
def fit(sample, conv_size):
global y
x = np.linspace(sx.min(), sx.max(), sample)
y = np.convolve(np.pad(np.interp(x, sx, sy), (conv_size-1)//2, "edge"), np.ones(conv_size) / conv_size, "valid")
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.ylim(0, len(p))
yl = list(map(int,input("Y-range of trimmed graph? ").split(",")))
y_out = y * (yl[1] - yl[0]) / p.shape[0] + yl[0]
↑ is a program for Jupyter, so it cannot be executed unless cells are separated by separate parts.
If you make trimming and color gamut selection more interactive using HTML, it will be easier to use.
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