Last time logged in as a user and tried to display the application usage page. This time, I will display the "detailed screen" from that screen.
In Rimotte, log in as a user, press the menu button on the upper left of the screen, approve the station, and then select the "use page" you want to display. Display the screen of the application with. First of all, let's operate up to the point where the usage page of the "Station Management" application is displayed.
As mentioned above, the history of the past 10 minutes is displayed in "CPU temperature" displayed as a gray line graph on the usage page "Current status" of the "Station management" application. Double-click on this graph to display the history details screen.
On the history details screen, you can first select the time width of the information to be displayed on the screen at the top. In the above, "10 minutes" is selected, so it takes 10 minutes from the left end to the right end of the line graph. In the second row from the top, select "Date and time". You can move the past date and time you want to display by moving the slider left or right, clicking the left and right arrow buttons, or flicking the graph display part left or right. On the right side of the screen, the raw data for the time width from the selected date and time is displayed. You can also save the displayed data in CSV format by clicking the save button below it. To return to the original usage page from the details screen, press the left arrow at the top left of the screen.
In the same way, let's take a look at the detailed screen of the history of the three table displays displayed on the usage page "Log" of the "Station Management" application. If you set the time width to "1 month", more information should be displayed.
If you double-click anything, the details screen will be displayed, but that's not the case. The display elements that have the detail screen are the elements that display past data such as history graphs and tables, and the display elements such as video and audio that will be operated in the next post. Please note that these details screens can only be displayed when the user logs in, and cannot be displayed from the management tool. Double-click with the management tool to display the following screen.
By displaying the history details screen, past information could be displayed easily and neatly. Next time, I will deal with video and audio, which are one of the major features of Limotte. Download and run the simplest app "Video and Audio Delivery" from the Limotte Store, and at the same time take snapshots, record videos, play back and save files from its details screen.
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