File structure when using serverless-python-requirements

Hello. I ’m Hirose from Pathee.

When using serverless-python-requirements I didn't find much information about the file structure, so I will write it.


The company is developing an API using ʻAWS lambda` Part of the backend of a new project


--Language is Python3.7 --Package management is Pipenv --Development / execution / deployment using Serverless Framework --Package is layered using serverless-python-requirements --Build the development environment in Docker and perform local tests (UT etc.) in Docker

Directory structure

├── lambda
│   ├── env
│   │   ├── dev
│   │   │   └── resource.yml
│   │   └── prod
│   │       └── resource.yml
│   ├── handler
│   │   └── aaa #Unit of each API
│   │       └──
│   └── serverless.yml
├── layer
│   └── package
│       ├── Pipfile # ※1
│       ├── Pipfile.lock # ※2
│       └── serverless.yml
├── stepfunctions
│   └── sf_aaa.yml
├── docker-dompose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── Pipfile #* Symbolic Link to 1
└── Pipfile.lock #* 2 Symbolic Link

Coverage of Serverless Framework


Use only


Pipenv is implemented in the following two situations

--Install the package inside Docker --Create a layer with serverless-python-requirements

Because I want to use the same package in both of the above situations, I want to use a common Pipfile, but Could not specify the directory for each Pipfile

So, as a solution, put the actual situation on the person who uses it with serverless-python-requirements, In the installation inside Docker, I put a symbolic link in the above file and surpassed it

I was looking into it again to write this article, If you specify the PIPENV_PIPFILE environment variable with pipenv, make it an absolute path may solve the problem ... Actually, I built this directory structure a few months ago, and I remember trying the above at that time, but it's ambiguous ... I would like to write a follow-up report if I have time

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