[JAVA] Double-click to open the jar file on Windows

Open the jar file on Windows

When I created a jar file for distribution and distributed it, it can be easily opened by double-clicking on Mac, but it may not be opened on Windows. Here's a summary of how I made it work with a double click.

Java installation

It will not start without java, so install free java8 according to the instructions. https://java.com/ja/download/

Edit Registry Editor

This is important. Search for regedit at the magnifying glass. Once opened, HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Classes / Applications / javaw.exe / shell / open / command It moves like. Double-click "(default)" and replace "" C: \ ... exe ""% 1 "" with "" C: \ ... exe "-jar"% 1 "". It can be HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / Applications / javaw.exe / shell / open / command.


First, right-click the jar file to open it from the program → select another program → always check this app ... → run it with Java (TM) Platform SE binary. After that, you can move it by double-clicking.

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