[JAVA] I want to use PowerMock in a class that combines parameterized tests and ordinary tests


--Only @Runwith (Enclosed.class) for external classes --I will add the following to the inner class - @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) --@PrepareForTest ({tested class}) - @PowerMockRunnerDelegate(Parameterized.class) --@PowerMockRunnerDelegate (JUnit4.class) is not required

What I wanted to do

--static initializer I wanted to write a test of the processing to be executed --There was a mixture of parameterized tests and tests that you wanted to run only once. ――However, it is unpleasant to distribute the test code for one class in multiple places.

I looked it up

--Tests that interrupt static can be done with Mockito + PowerMock --Parameterized tests can be done using @RunWith (Theories.class) or @RunWith (Parameterized.class) --If it is Parameterized, it asserts for each parameter, so I adopted this one. --You can use @ RunWith (Enclosed.class) to combine multiple test classes into one class.

Library configuration

verification code

Test target

public class StaticClass {
    public static String MESSAGE;

    static {
        int i = new Random().nextInt();
        if (0 <= i && i <= 10) {
            MESSAGE = "Parameter is inside of range, 0 to 10.";
        } else {
            MESSAGE = "Nmm...?";

    private static void method() {
        // to do any action


public class StaticClassTest {

    public static class ParameterizeTest {
        public Integer parameter;

        @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "parameter is {0}")
        public static Object[][] parameterSupplier() {
            return new Object[][]{

        public void test() throws Exception {
            // given
            Random random = PowerMockito.mock(Random.class);

            // expect
            assertEquals("Parameter is inside of range, 0 to 10.",
                    Whitebox.getInternalState(StaticClass.class, "MESSAGE"));

    public static class NormalTest {
        public void test() throws Exception {
            // given
            Random random = PowerMockito.mock(Random.class);

            // expect
                    Whitebox.getInternalState(StaticClass.class, "MESSAGE"));


http://tomoyamkung.net/2013/08/28/java-junit4-enclosed/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28027445/powermock-access-private-members

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