Hash with the standard library hashlib and compare login passwords

It seems that there is a library that can easily hash in the Python standard library, so I tried using it


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import hashlib

if __name__ == "__main__":

	#Creating a hash object
	md5 = hashlib.md5()

	#Set of strings

	print md5.digest()
	print md5.hexdigest()

test1.Output result of py

_M;Ze ヨ ・ Gukpa

ʻImport import by writing hashlib`.

  1. Create an object according to the algorithm you want to use (this time use md5)
  2. Set the character string you want to hash in the created object
  3. Hash with .hexdigest (I'm not sure about .digest)

It seems that the original character string cannot be known once it is hashed. So your password will never be known to anyone! !!

Check if the original password matches the password entered

You can also hash the entered password and compare it.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import hashlib
import sys

def createHash(password):

	#Creating a hash object
	hashObj = hashlib.md5()

	#Specify the character string to be hashed

	#Returns the hashed version
	return hashObj.hexdigest()

if __name__ == "__main__":

	#Hash the original password
	checkPass = createHash("password")

	#Get command line arguments
	password = sys.argv[1]

	password = createHash(password)

	#Does the entered password match?
	if checkPass == password:
		print u"Login successful"
		print u"Login failure"

hash_test.Execution result of py

\python>hash_test.py pass
Login failure

\python>hash_test.py password
Login successful

\python>hash_test.py Password
Login failure

It seems that it is also case sensitive (naturally ...)


Documentation [About hashing](http://e-words.jp/w/%E3%83%8F%E3%83%83%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A5%E9%96%A2% E6% 95% B0.html, "What is a hash function? | Message digest function | Hash algorithm --Meaning / Definition: IT Glossary")

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