Wall to put OpenCV 3.1.0 in raspberry pi 3 and run sample on python3: ImportError: No module named cv2 solution


environment ・ Raspberry Pi3 Model B

First of all, I am trying to prepare the development environment in order to produce something that the image flows when a person passes in front. As for programming and electronic work, I'm almost a beginner, so the process is awkward, but I've solved one problem, so I'll make a note of it.

Insert openCV to prepare the environment to handle videos

Installation of Raspberry Pi 2 ★ OpenCV 3.1.0 ~ Checking camera operation with C ++ & Python sample This blog post was very easy to understand, so I used it as a reference and did what was written from above. However, since the environment is Raspberry pi3 and python is also version 3, I worked while modifying the directory etc. It takes 3 hours with a sudden freeze on the way.

a problem occured

When I try to run the sample "video.py" after various installations are completed,

No module named cv2

```Occurs. Certainly, I can't find the file cv2 in the "modules" folder inside the opencv folder. (But is that so?)
 I did a file search with cv2 for the time being, but I couldn't find it.

### Measure 1

#### Try putting something called pip

[Import Error : No module named cv2 on windows 7](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40191866/import-error-no-module-named-cv2-on-windows-7)
 I found a person with similar symptoms in this Q & A. The answer says "use pip". pip ...?
 [Pip (Python package management)]
 (http://make.bcde.jp/python/pippython package management /)
 It seems that pip is a library management tool for python, so refer to this page and introduce pip.

 Execute "Package search" in the above article to confirm the existence of cv2. I did "Display list of installed packages" and cv2 was not included in the current list of owned packages, so I tried to download it with "Install by specifying the package name", but it didn't work.

`$ sudo pip install cv2
Collecting cv2
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cv2(from versions: )
No matching distribution found for cv2

 Continue to look for a solution. ..

### Measure 2

#### Put something called python-opencv
 [[python] ImportError: Resolve No module named cv2](http://nc30mtd.oops.jp/blog/2016/07/importerror-no-module-named-cv2.html)
 I found this article.

`$  sudo apt-get install python-opencv
 `Try this command.

[Python - cannot import OpenCV module?](http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/29148/python-cannot-import-opencv-module)
 In the answer of this forum,
`$  sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
 `I'll put this in too.

### Solution!

 The sample will work safely. Was good!

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