Conditional element extraction from data frame: R is% in%, Python is .isin ()

As an R user, make a note of the operations that I often forget when writing python. Even if I searched for "R% in% in python" each time, I couldn't find the information I wanted immediately.

Extract rows where a particular column matches any of multiple elements

Data frame: iris Specific column name: Species Multiple elements: cond (extract only "setosa" or "virginica")

Operations that can be written using the% in% operator in R are

### R ###

cond <- c("setosa", "virginica")
df <- iris %>% dplyr::filter(., Species %in% cond)

With Pandas, you can write with .isin ().

### python ###
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets

###iris dataset preparation
iris_sk = datasets.load_iris()
iris = pd.DataFrame(, columns=iris_sk.feature_names)
iris['Species'] = iris_sk.target_names[]

cond = ["setosa", "virginica"]
df = iris[iris["Species"].isin(cond)]

If you want to exclude matching lines, use ! And ~ respectively.

### R ###
df2 <- iris %>% dplyr::filter(., !Species %in% cond)
### Python ###
df2 = iris[~iris["Species"].isin(cond)]

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