I want to use CentOS 8 for desktop / development (blender-python3.7, unity for linux (game engine)). Do not publish outside the LAN (WAN-> LAN port mapping is not performed on the router side) Almost the first time (I used it a little in a university circle about 5-10 years ago) To-do list
Update to the latest BIOS before installation (because RDRAND is dead Ryzen 3 ASRock X570 Pro4 (BIOS v1.0))
Partition (only one NVME m2 512GB) --MBR default -/ boot 1GB (If you have it, can you afford it? Now the kernel is about 100MB?
Administrator account --sudo adduser adminhoge #You will be asked for your password on the way
Everyday account --adduser userhoge #You will be asked for your password on the way
nvidiaDriver install (https://qiita.com/kkk627/items/9ab959421804341f215e) dnf update (without kernel source (kernbel-devel) and kernel)
Add to nvidia-drm.modeset = 1 GRUB and grub2-update (https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/NVIDIA) -> If you don't do this, you will not have enough privileges to log in? The driver crashes and the screen goes black, causing a recovery load. 8. reboot
Edit> vm.swappiness = 10> /etc/sysctl.conf #swap suppression
yum install epel-release
dnf install dnf-automatic zsh dnf install java-11-openjdk.x86_64
clamAV settings
dnf install clamav clamav-{update,scanner-systemd}
sed -i '/^Example/s/^/#/' /etc/freshclam.conf
add above default : DatabaseMirror db.jp.clamav.net > /etc/freshclam.conf
sed -i '/^NotifyClamd/s/^/#/' /etc/clamd.d/scan.conf
add # -> User clamscan  /etc/clamd.d/scan.conf #to root execute
freshclam --ln -s /etc/clamd.d/scan.conf /etc/clamd.conf # Link
sed -i '/^Example/s/^/#/' /etc/clamd.conf
sed -i '/TCPSocket/s/^#//' /etc/clamd.conf
sed -i '/TCPAddr/s/^#//' /etc/clamd.conf
sed -i '/clamd.sock/s/^#//' /etc/clamd.conf --Edit> [Service] TimeoutSec = 5min> /lib/systemd/system/[email protected] # Extend the timeout as it dies when the startup is shit slow --Add clamdscan.sh to cron's daily execution script directory
#setting file
Scan execution
clamdscan -c ${CONFIG}
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/clamdscan.sh
systemctl enable clamd@scan
systemctl start clamd@scan
systemctl status clamd@scan
Work with sudo vs code from here --install the following in vscode - ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja - coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer - ms-python.python --Ctrl + Shift + P-> configure display language-> Change the part written as "en" to "ja"
dnf-automatic, but I want to update the kernel manually, update is security only --Edit excludepkgs = kernel *> /etc/dnf/automatic.conf --Edit apply_updates = yes> /etc/dnf/automatic.conf --Edit upgrade_type = security> /etc/dnf/automatic.conf
(http://tooljp.com/linux/Redhat7/faqRedhat7/html/what-is-virbr.html) Somehow the virtual LAN is springing up without permission, so crush it.
In / etc / sudoers %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL But Make sure there is groups -> username wheel
Make sure that it is
sudo passwd -l root #root login seal (I was able to sudo if I was messed up with rescue from the USB that died here and I thought I was going to die. But clamdscan doesn't work without sudo, what should I do?
ps. dnf install pv ps.
I wrote it in .xprofile but it didn't work, so I wrote it in .bashrc. Make the cache a RAMDisk. It seems that it will support if it complies with freedesktop.org (chrome etc.
ps. dual boot with windows
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/dev/shm/.cache-$(whoami)
mkdir -p ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}
chmod 700 ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}
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