I will post to Qiita for the first time on Labor Thanksgiving Day. Thank you.
There is a robot development environment called ROS. (ROS official website) With ROS, data from sensors such as cameras can be processed in an integrated manner, and robots can be moved and simulated.
** I want to incorporate Deep Learning here! !! ** **
If you do it first, it's a tutorial! So Tensorflow [Deep MNIST for Experts](https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r0.10/tutorials/mnist/pros/index. html) trained model now runs on ROS.
Previously, there was a person who runs a trained Tensorflow model that recognizes objects on ROS, so that The model was visualized with reference to.
By writing the model explicitly, I think it became a script that can be easily applied to other tasks. (You can change the network configuration, and if you learn it first, you can move it.)
So what I actually wrote the script to do is as follows.
Description of ROS Nodes Publisher and Subscriber Description
I wrote in Another article
As in README.md on GitHub
$ roscore
$ python tensorflow_in_ros_mnist.py image:=/cv_camera/image_raw
$ rosrun cv_camera cv_camera_node
$ rostopic echo /result
Tensorflow, ROS, cv_bridge, camera driver, OpenCV, numpy need to be prepared in advance. If you make a mistake in the execution order, an error will occur but it will work, so don't worry.
When I displayed the image on my computer with paint and pointed the camera at it, it became as shown in the figure below.
The image on the right is the image that came in from the camera, and the data: on the left is the number that CNN expected and published. It is correct.
The handwritten 9 was also recognized properly.
However, the recognition accuracy fluctuates considerably depending on the nature of the camera. You can devise the distance between the camera and the image, trim it with numpy before putting it in CNN, and play with the binarized value.
** I'm glad that it worked properly for the time being! !! ** ** I was nervous about the first post on both GitHub and Qiita. Especially, I was quite confused to find out and understand the license of GitHub. As a result, I put the Aphache 2.0 license by referring to this site. Is this correct? The code was pretty messy, I didn't add any comments, and I thought I should do my best.
** Overwhelming thanks on Labor Thanksgiving Day! !! ** **
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