Achieve __END__ in Python

Perl and Ruby __END__. It is convenient because you can put a reasonably large text data at the end of the program. But it's not available in Python. There is a multi-line string, but it cannot be followed.

So, I made a module that can read "data" by putting such a thing at the end.


However, although the quotation marks correspond to both ''' and " "" , the same thing cannot be written in the data part. It is incomplete, but it seems difficult to improve, so at the moment Publish things.

It supports both Python 2/3 (it seems to work with PyPy).

import sys
from io import StringIO

def getdata():
    ret = StringIO()
    with open(sys._getframe().f_back.f_code.co_filename,'rb') as f:
        strStart = None
        while True:
            line = f.readline()
            if not line or line.rstrip().decode('utf-8') == '__END__':
            strStart = line.rstrip()
        # read until the str finishes as ret should not contain trailing quote
        prev = None
        while True:
            line = f.readline()
            if not line or line.rstrip() == strStart.rstrip():
            if prev is not None:
            prev = line.decode('utf-8')
        if prev is not None:
    return ret

from enddata import getdata


Hello END World!

Hello END World! Is output.

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