[JAVA] I can't search with # google-map. ..

Process to set up address search on google map

↓ I used this as a reference. Thank you very much. https://qiita.com/nagaseToya/items/e49977efb686ed05eadb

The name of the error that occurred

this api key is not authorized to use this service or api (I don't have the proper authority to use services and APIs.) * Free translation

As a result of various investigations, the "Geocoding API" has not been enabled. .. .. That

① First, select "API and Services" from the list on the left.

スクリーンショット 2020-10-18 11.43.59.png

② Select "Authentication Information"

スクリーンショット 2020-10-18 11.44.11.png

③ Select the specified API key

スクリーンショット 2020-10-18 11.44.29.png

④ Select and save application restrictions

スクリーンショット 2020-10-18 11.44.49.png

that's all. If you search for Geocoding API from the search screen above, you will see an item to enable Geocoding API.

This didn't work, so please follow the steps above!

Thank you for reading the above!

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