Deep Learning Java from scratch 6.3 Batch Normalization

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6.3 Evaluation of Batch Normalization

Layer Extended to be able to pass train_flg to the interface BatchNormLayer has been created.

public interface Layer {

    INDArray forward(INDArray x);
    INDArray backward(INDArray x);


public interface BatchNormLayer extends Layer {

    public default INDArray forward(INDArray x) {
        throw new IllegalAccessError();

    INDArray forward(INDArray x, boolean train_flg);


The rest is the implementation of this interface Dropout class and Batch Normalization Implemented the class. In addition, implement the MultiLayerNetExtend class and execute the following test code. To do.

INDArray x_train;
INDArray t_train;
int max_epochs = 20;
int train_size;
int batch_size = 100;
double learning_rate = 0.01;
DataSet trainDataSet;

List<List<Double>> __train(String weight_init_std) {
    MultiLayerNetExtend bn_network = new MultiLayerNetExtend(
        784, new int[] {100, 100, 100, 100, 100}, 10,
        /*weight_init_std=*/ weight_init_std,
        /*weight_decay_lambda=*/ 0,
        /*use_dropout=*/ false,
        /*dropout_ration=*/ 0.5,
        /*use_batchNorm=*/ true);
    MultiLayerNetExtend network = new MultiLayerNetExtend(
        784, new int[] {100, 100, 100, 100, 100}, 10,
        /*weight_init_std=*/ weight_init_std,
        /*weight_decay_lambda=*/ 0,
        /*use_dropout=*/ false,
        /*dropout_ration=*/ 0.5,
        /*use_batchNorm=*/ false);
    List<MultiLayerNetExtend> networks = Arrays.asList(bn_network, network);
    Optimizer optimizer = new SGD(learning_rate);
    List<Double> train_acc_list = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> bn_train_acc_lsit = new ArrayList<>();
    int iter_per_epoch = Math.max(train_size / batch_size, 1);
    int epoch_cnt = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000000; ++i) {
        DataSet sample = trainDataSet.sample(batch_size);
        INDArray x_batch = sample.getFeatureMatrix();
        INDArray t_batch = sample.getLabels();
        for (MultiLayerNetExtend _network : networks) {
            Params grads = _network.gradient(x_batch, t_batch);
            optimizer.update(_network.params, grads);
        if (i % iter_per_epoch == 0) {
            double train_acc = network.accuracy(x_train, t_train);
            double bn_train_acc = bn_network.accuracy(x_train, t_train);
            System.out.println("epoch:" + epoch_cnt + " | " + train_acc + " - " + bn_train_acc);
            if (epoch_cnt >= max_epochs)
    return Arrays.asList(train_acc_list, bn_train_acc_lsit);

public void C6_3_2_Batch_Evaluation of Normalization() throws IOException {
    // ch06/batch_norm_test.Java version of py.
    MNISTImages train = new MNISTImages(Constants.TrainImages, Constants.TrainLabels);
    x_train = train.normalizedImages();
    t_train = train.oneHotLabels();
    trainDataSet = new DataSet(x_train, t_train);
    train_size = x_train.size(0);

    //Drawing a graph
    File dir = Constants.WeightImages;
    if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs();
    String[] names = {"BatchNormalization", "Normal"};
    Color[] colors = {Color.BLUE, Color.RED};
    INDArray weight_scale_list = Functions.logspace(0, -4, 16);
    INDArray x = Functions.arrange(max_epochs);
    for (int i = 0; i < weight_scale_list.length(); ++i) {
        System.out.println( "============== " + (i+1) + "/16" + " ==============");
        double w = weight_scale_list.getDouble(i);
        List<List<Double>> acc_list = __train(String.valueOf(w));
        GraphImage graph = new GraphImage(640, 480, -1, -0.1, 20, 1.0);
        for (int j = 0; j < names.length; ++j) {
            graph.textInt(names[j] + " : " + w, 20, 20 * j + 20);
            graph.plot(0, acc_list.get(j).get(0));
            for (int k = 1; k < acc_list.get(j).size(); ++k) {
                graph.line(k - 1, acc_list.get(j).get(k - 1), k, acc_list.get(j).get(k));
                graph.plot(k, acc_list.get(j).get(k));
        File file = new File(dir, "BatchNormalization#" + w + ".png ");

The resulting graph looks like this:

W=1.0 BatchNormalization#1.0.png

W=0.29286444187164307 BatchNormalization#0.29286444187164307.png

W=0.00009999999747378752 BatchNormalization#9.999999747378752E-5.png

Unlike this book, the smaller the W (standard deviation of the initial weight), the faster the learning progresses.

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