[Linux] Learn the basics of shell commands

1. What is a shell?

-One of the user interfaces such as Unix and Linux -Enter a text command in the terminal -Execute the command in the shell on the server side -Display processing results and error information on the terminal

2. Main functions of the shell

・ Start / switch / stop the program -File operations -Command input history and completion ・ Batch execution of a series of processes

3. Benefits of shell

・ Can be used only with keyboard and text screen ・ Remote access via network -The command history becomes the work procedure. Can be automated. ・ Many tools support shell commands

4. Linux commands

Command name Contents
cat -Commands used to output the contents of the file
cd ・ Move the directory
cp -Copy files and directories
echo ・ Display specified characters
history -Display command execution history
ls -Display file and directory information
ls -a ・ Show hidden files
ls -l -Display detailed information of the file
ls -al ・ Display hidden files and detailed information
mkdir -Create a directory
mv -Move or rename files and directories
pwd -Display where the folder (directory) that the shell is currently paying attention to is
rm -Delete files and directories
touch -Create a new empty file
vi -Create a new file and edit

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