[Linux] A list of Linux commands that beginners should know


Recently I started studying Linux. You must first learn the commands so that you can work with the CUI. The following commands are often used, so I have summarized them. I think it will be useful for beginners' study and review.

Linux commands

1. A command that displays a command reference manual

command Taste Example of use
man Display the command reference manual $man command name
info Display the command reference manual $info command name

2. Command name for manipulating files / directories

command Taste Example of use
ls Display file and directory information $ ls
touch Create a new file with no contents $touch file name
cp Copy files and directories $cp copy source copy destination
mv Move files and directories $mv original file(directory)File after change(directory)Name
Rename files and directories $mv original file(directory) 移動するdirectory
rm Delete files and directories $rm file name
cat Browse files $cat file name
more Display text files one screen at a time $more file name
head Display the first 10 lines of a text file $head file name
tail Show last 10 lines $tail file name
wc Count the number of lines, words (word count), and characters in a text file $wc text file name
ln Register links to directories and files $ln Link source registered name
whereis Search for a path $whereis command name
find Search for files and directories (folders) $find file name
grep Search for the existence of a particular string in a file $grep search string filename
pwd Display the directory you are working on $ pwd
cd Move the current directory (currently working directory) $cd directory
mkdir Create a new directory $mkdir directory name
rmdir Delete directory $rmdir directory name
tree Display directories and files in a tree $ tree

3. Command to display information

command Taste Example of use
stat Display attributes, dates, etc. $stat filename
who Show who is logged in to the system $ who
w Show who is logged in to the system $ w
whoami Display the user name corresponding to the current effective user, id. $ whoami
hostname Display the host name $ hostname
uname Check system information $ uname
dmesg Display and control the contents of the kernel ring buffer $ dmesg
top Display currently running processes in descending order of CPU utilization $ top
du Aggregate and display disk usage by directory $ du
df Aggregate and display the size of free space on the disk $ df
free Check memory usage $free
ifconfig Check the network connection status $ ifconfig
ping Checks if the network is communicating with the specified host $ping IP address or host name to connect to
netstat Display the network connection status of the host, network statistics for each socket interface, etc. $ netstat
locale Display information on the current and available locales $ locale
id Display identification information $id username

the end

These are some commonly used Linux commands. I haven't entered the command to compress or decompress the file.

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