from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import sys
#FILENAME = "/Users/{hoge}/.zhistory"
FILENAME = sys.argv[1]
print "USAGE: zsh_history_sort.py <your_history_file>"
class Stat(object):
def __init__(self):
self.counter = Counter()
self.children = defaultdict(Stat)
stat = Stat()
fi = file(FILENAME)
for line in fi:
line = line.strip()
if ";" in line:
line = line.split(";")[1]
words = line.split()
s = stat
for (i, w) in enumerate(words):
if i > 1: break;
s.counter[w] += 1
s = s.children[w]
def show(stat, indent=0):
INDENT = " " * indent
for name, count in stat.counter.most_common():
if count < 10: break
print "%s%s: %d" % (INDENT, name, count)
show(stat.children[name], indent + 1)
You can change the depth and the number of displays by changing ʻif i> 1: break; or ʻif count <10: break
For commands that you use unexpectedly, you may want to consider abbreviated names.
↓ 90% 9 minutes 9 ㎘ The following sources are used. Former story show stat. of your git usage — Gist
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