[Python/Django] Summary of frequently used commands (2) <Installing packages>


Here are some frequently used commands when developing with Python/Django.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for solving the problem by borrowing the wisdom of our predecessors, and I am very sorry to say that I will summarize it here as my own memo.


(Production environment)

(Development environment)

1. Install packaged software

Python makes it easy to install a wide variety of packaged software over the Internet using the "pip" command. You can check what kind of package software is available on PyPI (The Pyhon Package Index).

Enter the Python virtual environment and do the following:


(venv_<Project name>)$pip install django to install the latest version
(venv_<Project name>)$ pip install django==3.1.3 When installing the specified version

You can check the version of the installed package below.


(venv_<Project name>)$ python -m django -- version


Installation of other packages (example)


(venv_<Project name>)$ pip install psycopg2-binary
(venv_<Project name>)$ pip install django-allauth
(venv_<Project name>)$ pip install pillow
(venv_<Project name>)$ pip install selenium
(venv_<Project name>)$ pip install boto django-ses
(venv_<Project name>)$ pip install gunicorn
Module name Explanation
psycopg2-binary Driver used when connecting to PostgreSQL from Python * 2020/As of 12, psycopg3 is under development
django-allauth Authentication feature package that supports local and social authentication
pillow Package used when handling static files uploaded through web applications
selenium Package used for test method using Live Server Test Case class * SeparatelyDriver for ChromeIs necessary
django-ses Amazon SES(Simple Email Service)Packages required to use
gunicorn (AbbreviationforGreenUnicorn)Pythonwsgi(WebServerGatewayInterface)HTTP server

Extra: Upgrade pip itself

Occasionally, pip itself has been upgraded, so when you execute the pip command, "Upgrade! Please. In such a case, do the following:


$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip

2. Create a list of installed modules

Write the modules installed in the Python development environment to a file. Then, based on the exported file, install the module in the production environment.

2-1. Output the list of installed modules to a file.


(venv_<Project name>)$ pip freeze > requirements.txt



2-2. Transfer the exported requirements.txt to the home directory of the production environment.

2-3. Enter the python virtual environment and execute the following to execute the installation.


(venv_<Project name>)$ pip install -r requirements.txt


[Python/Django] Summary of frequently used commands (1) <Creating virtual environment, project, application> [Python/Django] Summary of frequently used commands (3) [Python/Django] Summary of frequently used commands (4) -Part 1- <Production operation: Amazon EC2 (Amazon Linux 2)> [Python/Django] Summary of frequently used commands (4) -Part 2- <Production operation: Amazon EC2 (Amazon Linux 2)>

(Editor's note)

It's surprisingly easy to forget to install django-ses. At the time of testing, one of the reasons is that logs and email contents are output to the console, but when I was just starting to create an application, I often said "django-ses is not enough!" I was angry. When creating a website or web application that uses user authentication or sets up an inquiry form, you should almost always take care of django-ses, so pay attention to the package to be installed. I would like to proceed with development.

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