Summary of what was used in 100 Pandas knocks (# 1 ~ # 32)


I am studying ** machine learning ** at university. For review, I tried ** Pandas 100 knocks **. The function you used? I would like to summarize.

Pandas 100 knocks

Click here for details Pandas 100 knocks for Python beginners

Pandas Basics (1 ~ 13)

# 1 Show first 5 lines of DataFrame


When specifying the number of lines you want to display

Example: 10 lines


# 2 Show last 5 lines


# 5 df'fare' sorted in ascending order and displayed


Sort in descending order by specifying ** ascending = False **

Data extraction (14 ~ 32)

# 18 Use loc to view the entire df


Use # 20 loc to display up to the 10th row of the df fare column

df.loc[:10, 'fare']

Extract only data whose age column value of # 25 df is 30 or more

df[df['age'] >= 30]

Extract only data with # 27 df sex column female and age 40 or more

df[(df['sex'] == "female") & (df['age'] >= 40)]

Extract only data whose df sex column is female and age is 40 or more using # 28 query

df.query('sex == "female" & age >= 40')

Display data containing the character string "Mrs" in the name column of # 29 df

df.query('name.str.contains("Mrs")', engine='Python')

# 30 Show only character columns in df


# 31 Check the number of elements in each column of df


Check the elements of the embarked column of # 32 df and the number of occurrences


Impression that I tried halfway

I felt like I was getting used to Pandas, but when I tried it, my confidence was broken ... It will be a good review, so please try it even if you are accustomed to it. query Very convenient ...

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