--In gRPC, data is exchanged by serializing in the Protocol Buffers format.
--You can define the schema in the .proto
file and generate code using the tool. Therefore, if this .proto file can be shared by each client and server, it is possible to proceed with development without any deviation in specifications.
--In this article, I will briefly summarize the syntax of .proto files.
//Version definition
syntax = "proto3";
//Package definition
package sample;
// import
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
//Service and RPC method definition
service SampleService {
rpc Sample (SampleRequest) returns (SampleResponse);
//Server streaming RPC
rpc SampleServerStreamMethod (SampleRequest) returns (stream SampleResponse);
//Client Streaming RPC
rpc SampleClientStreamMethod (stream SampleRequest) returns (SampleResponse)
//Bidirectional streaming RPC
rpc SampleBidirectionalMethod (stream SampleRequest) returns (stream SampleResponse)
message SampleRequest {
string name = 1;
message SampleResponse {
Sample sample = 1;
//Message type
//The number on the right is the "tag number"
message Sample {
//Scalar type
//There are numbers, strings, booleans, byte arrays
int32 id = 1;
string name = 2;
bool isBool = 3;
//deprecated Specify fields that are deprecated and deprecated
string duplicated_field = 4 [deprecated = true]
//reserved identifier Discontinued tag number
reserved 7, 8, 10 to 12;
//List (array)
//Multidimensional array cannot be defined
repeated SampleList sample_list = 5;
//Map (associative array)
map<string, string> sample_map = 6;
//Any one from multiple
oneof message {
string one = 1;
string other = 2;
// Well Known Types
google.protobuf.Duration sample_duration = 9;
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 13;
enum SampleEnum {
TEST1 = 1;
TEST2 = 2;
TEST3 = 3;
syntax = "proto3";
--You can set the package name to avoid name conflicts, such as when using messages defined in other .proto files.
package sample;
import --Use when you want to use the message type defined in another .proto file --Here, we are importing a .proto file created by Google.
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
--API definition body --Define a service called SampleService --Defines a method called Sample that takes SampleRequest as an argument and returns SampleResponse. --If you want to stream, add stream to the argument and return value. --One-way streaming --Server streaming RPC (set stream as return value) --The server side returns multiple responses asynchronously --Client Streaming RPC (set stream as an argument) --Send multiple requests asynchronously from the client side, and return one response on the server side --Bidirectional streaming --Add stream to both argument and return value
service SampleService {
rpc Sample (SampleRequest) returns (SampleResponse);
//Server streaming RPC
rpc SampleServerStreamMethod (SampleRequest) returns (stream SampleResponse);
//Client Streaming RPC
rpc SampleClientStreamMethod (stream SampleRequest) returns (SampleResponse);
//Bidirectional streaming RPC
rpc SampleBidirectionalMethod (stream SampleRequest) returns (stream SampleResponse);
--Numeric value, character string, boolean value, byte array are as data types -Details of data types and correspondence of data types after compiling in each language
Data type | Default value |
string | Empty string |
bytes | Empty array |
bool | false |
Numerical value | 0 |
enum | The first defined value. Must be 0 |
Message type | Implementation dependent |
repeated | Empty array |
--Type with multiple fields --Tag number --The number to the right of the field. --Must be unique within the same message --reserved identifier --Enter the tag number that was discontinued due to field deletion etc. --deprecated option --Specify deprecated and deprecated fields
message Sample {
//Scalar type
//There are numbers, strings, booleans, byte arrays
int32 id = 1;
string name = 2;
bool isBool = 3;
//deprecated Specify fields that are deprecated and deprecated
string duplicated_field = 4 [deprecated = true]
//reserved identifier Discontinued tag number
reserved 7, 8, 10 to 12;
//~ Omitted ~
--An array can be defined by prefixing the type with repeated --Can be used for both scalar type and message type --Multidimensional arrays cannot be defined
//List (array)
//Multidimensional array cannot be defined
repeated SampleList sample_list = 5;
--Only integer values, strings, and boolean values can be used for keys. --map cannot be an array
map<string, string> sample_map = 6;
--Enums can be defined by prefixing the type with enum
enum SampleEnum {
TEST1 = 1;
TEST2 = 2;
TEST3 = 3;
--By adding oneof, you can define one from multiple things.
--Here it is a message type that returns ʻone or ʻother
oneof message {
string one = 1;
string other = 2;
Well Known Types --Google-defined message type --There are things such as the date and time / period and the fact that the return value is not returned
google.protobuf.Duration sample_duration = 9;
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 13;
--Based on the .proto file defined above, generate boilerplate code using the protoc command for each language on both sides of the client server.
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