How to get rid of server custom emoji in message.content

Bugs and countermeasures

When I created a bot by looking at the article Creating a bot that reads Discord chat aloud, ** emoji ID when reading out custom emoji on the server There was a problem that read aloud **, so we dealt with it as follows.

import re

def remove_custom_emoji(text):
    pattern = r'<:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+:[0-9]+>'    #Custom emoji pattern
    return re.sub(pattern,'',text)   #Replacement process


Custom emojis are in message.content in the format<: emoji_name: emoji_id>. I created a pattern to remove it, passed it to re.sub (), and removed the custom emoji by replacing the matched part with a blank.

If you have a more accurate pattern, please leave a comment: bow_tone1:


I want to delete multiple strings in Python-use re.sub Discord Bot Portal JP (Twitter)

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