Tips around the sample to release Java Lambda on CodePipeline


I wrote this article. Minimum configuration sample that automatically releases Lambda by Java with Codepipeline

This is a private memo of the surrounding information of Code Pipeline written in this article.

Code Pipeline overall flow

1. Source stage

Get the code for regular monitoring and updates of the github repository.

2. Build stage

Build with CodeBuild. The build will be executed as described in buildspec.yml.

  1. gradlew creates a jar file.
  2. ʻaws cloudformation package` is executed and the following processing is executed.
  3. Place the generated jar file in S3 :: auto-release-sample.
  4. A template file (packaged-minimum-lambda-java-model.yaml) is generated and placed in the S3 bucket created for Codepipeline.

3. Staging stage

Lambda functions are constructed from template files and jar files.

  1. Extract the difference from the previous execution result. (Action mode: Create or replace change set)
  2. Actually build the Lambda function from the difference. (Action mode: Execution of change set)

Miscellaneous peripheral knowledge


An S3 bucket is created when you create a CodePipeline. The naming pattern is codepipeline-<region name>-<random value> Example: codepipeline-ap-northeast-1- ????????????? /

As for the contents, all the files downloaded from github and the template file generated by the build execution are compressed with zip and saved. A folder is created internally with the I / O artifact name at each step.

Related roles

The role for CloudFormation to work in the Staging stage. A role prepared by the developer in advance. s3: GetObject`` lambda: * `` cloudformation: CreateChangeSet etc.

--code-build-<build project name> -service-role

A role that enables CodeBuild to work. You can create s3: PutObject to S3 :: auto-release-sample. You can do s3: PutObject`` s3: GetObject to codepipeline-ap-northeast-1-121111111111 /.


A role for AWS CodePipeline to work. Looking at the contents of the policy, there are settings other than the processing you want to do this time, such as code commit, code deploy ʻelasticbeanstalk, ʻautoscaling, so it seems that all the typical settings are included.

--<Stack name> -AutoReleasedLambdaRole-<Random value>

The role when Lambda runs. Automatically generated when a Lambda is created in CloudFormation. ʻAutoReleasedLambdaRole is probably a fixed string. The contents are those with ʻAWS LambdaBasicExecutionRole. (Details unverified)

If you need various role settings to run Lambda, you may need to prepare separately. (Unverified) (Prepare in advance or set in CloudFormation template)

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