[Golang] Create docker image with Github Actions


Create a Docker image of your Golang app and push it to the Docker registry. Click here for the Dockerfile for the Golang app (https://qiita.com/Yuuki557/items/3d088de91ab86bc71600)

table of contents

--Workflow file --Capturing the contents

Workflow file


name: CI
      - "v*.*.*"

    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
        go: ["1.15"]
      - name: Check out source code
        uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - name: Set up Go v${{matrix.go}}
        uses: actions/setup-go@v2
          go-version: ${{matrix.go}}

      - name: Install dependent packages
        run: go mod download

      - name: Run all test
        run: go test -v ./...

    needs: ["test"]
    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
      DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME: docker-app
      - name: Check out source code
        uses: actions/checkout@v1

      - name: Build and push docker image
        run: |
          TAG=$(echo $GITHUB_REF | grep -o "[0-9][\.].*")
          echo "Docker image: ${DOCKER_IMAGE}"
          docker login --username ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} --password ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
          docker build -t $DOCKER_IMAGE .
          docker push $DOCKER_IMAGE

Content capture

Workflow triggers --on.push.tags

It is triggered by a push in the form of tag v1.0.0. There are many triggers besides push.

Test --jobs.test

The following contents are done in order

  1. Check out the source code
  2. Specify the version of Golang (specify 1.15 this time)
  3. Install dependent packages according to * go modules * (go mod download)
  4. Run all tests in the working directory (go test -v ./...)

Image build and push --jobs.docker-build

The following contents are done in order

  1. Creating an image tag from git ref (eg v1.0.0-> 1.0.0)
  2. Create a Docker image name (registry name is secret, image name is env, tag name is 1)
  3. Log in to docker (username and password are secret)
  4. docker build (Docker image name was created in 2)
  5. docker push

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