[Python] Try to analyze wav files (Ver without additional plugins)

The default GUI kit that comes with Python, Let's draw the wav waveform by force using tkInter's canvas.

There are no additional plugins required. All you have to do is prepare Python and the sound source you want to play.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import sys
import Tkinter
import wave
import numpy as np

window_width = 600
window_height = 500

root = Tkinter.Tk()
root.title(u"Software Title")
root.geometry(str(window_width) + "x" + str(window_height))

#Read wav data
wav = wave.open("./test.wav")

#Move to the beginning of the audio part

#Binary reading
wavdata = wav.readframes(wav.getnframes())

#Convert to int
wavdata = np.frombuffer(wavdata,'int16')

#Canvas area
canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(root, width = window_width, height = window_height)

#Number of X-axis steps
step = float(window_width)/float(wav.getnframes())
x = 0			#X axis
b_i = 0			#Previous value

for c,i in enumerate(wavdata):
	#Keep the previous coordinates
	if (c%2 == 0):
		b_i = i
		x = x + step
	#Create a waveform graph using the previous coordinates and the current coordinates
	canvas.create_line(int(x), (b_i/window_height)+(window_height/2), int(x+step), (i/window_height)+(window_height/2), fill = "blue")
	#Advance the X coordinate by step
	x = x + step
	print "(x,y) = ("+ str(x) +","+ str(i) +")"

#center lane
canvas.create_line(0, window_height/2, window_width, window_height/2, fill = "black")

#Canvas bind

#close wav


スクリーンショット 2015-06-02 14.44.40.png

Although it is rough, it is output like this.

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