Run Mecab on Win10 + Eclipse + Java + cmecab-java (January 2020)

Since we set it up through trial and error, we have not confirmed the reproduction of this procedure.

Mecab setup

The Windows version distributed at the head family is a 32bit version and it seems that it is not suitable for use from 64bit Java, so we introduced the 64bit version distributed as a stray build

Mecab 64bit download

Mecab 64bit installation

Installation directory C: \ Program Files \ MeCab Character encoding UTF-8 Introduced by specifying

Mecab 64bit installation result

Although the characters are garbled, it started to work for the time being.

It's nice weather today.
Today is a good day,荳 € 闊 ャ,*,*,*,*,*
V locust plague, locust plague, gimlet, locust, locust*,*,*,*
險 伜 捷,荳 € 闊 ャ,*,*,*,*,*
C Locust plague, locust plague, gimlet, locust, locust*,*,*,*
險 伜 捷,荳 € 闊 ャ,*,*,*,*,*
Locust plague, locust plague, locust plague, locust plague, locust plague*,*,*,*
暪 伜 捷,荳 € 闊 ャ,*,*,*,*,*
B Locust plague, locust plague, gimlet, locust, locust*,*,*,*

Copy of Mecab 64bit DLL

"C:\Program Files\MeCab\bin\libmecab.dll" To "C:\Windows\System32\libmecab.dll" I copied it to.

setup and build of cmecab-java

cmecab-java download

I downloaded

cmecab-java build work

Extract and copy it to your Eclipse workspace. When I ant run build.xml, cmecab-2.0.jar is output under bin. (Since the bin directory is not displayed in Package Explorer of Eclipse, I checked it in Explorer of Windows.)

It looked like this in Eclipse. Clipboard01.png

Creating projects and programs using cmecab-java

Create a Java project and set cmecab-2.0.jar and bridj-0.6.1 in the classpath


Create the following sample code (Although it is almost the same as the head family, the sample code was not displayed well in the head family, so I made a clean copy.)

import net.moraleboost.mecab.Lattice;
import net.moraleboost.mecab.Node;
import net.moraleboost.mecab.impl.StandardTagger;

public class HelloMecabMain {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//Build Tagger.
//In the argument, createTagger of MeCab()Give the argument to give to the function.
		StandardTagger tagger = new StandardTagger("");
//Get version string
		System.out.println("MeCab version " + tagger.version());
//Build Lattice (an object that stores runtime information required for morphological analysis)
		Lattice lattice = tagger.createLattice();
//Set the analysis target character string
		String text = "It is a good weather today.";
//tagger.parse()Is called to morphologically analyze the character string.
//Output morphological analysis results
//Output surface shape and features while tracing morphemes one by one
		Node node = lattice.bosNode();
		while (node != null) {
			String surface = node.surface();
			String feature = node.feature();
			System.out.println(surface + "\t" + feature);
			node =;
//lattice,Destroy tagger

Execution result

MeCab version 0.996
Noun today,Adverbs possible,*,*,*,*,today,today,Kyo
Is a particle,Particle,*,*,*,*,Is,C,Wow
Good adjective,Independence,*,*,Adjective, good,Uninflected word,Good,good,good
Weather noun,General,*,*,*,*,weather,weather,weather
Auxiliary verb,*,*,*,Special Death,Uninflected word,is,death,death
.. symbol,Kuten,*,*,*,*,。,。,。

Noun today,Adverbs possible,*,*,*,*,today,today,Kyo
Is a particle,Particle,*,*,*,*,Is,C,Wow
Good adjective,Independence,*,*,Adjective, good,Uninflected word,Good,good,good
Weather noun,General,*,*,*,*,weather,weather,weather
Auxiliary verb,*,*,*,Special Death,Uninflected word,is,death,death
.. symbol,Kuten,*,*,*,*,。,。,。


It is difficult to build an environment related to Mecab. I thought it would be nice if there was an OS-independent execution environment. I think that Mecab is not so troublesome for research purposes or to run alone, but there are problems in using it for full-scale text analysis and as a business application in the presence of various execution environments. I wondered.


Referenced page

I had a hard time binding MeCab and eclipse-Sakaiaka's blog

Try using MeCab with Python (Windows 10 64bit) --Qiita

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