[JAVA] I was stuck with the handling of the time zone when formatting with SimpleDateFormat

Note that I got stuck when processing Response from API in Jmeter.

Fri Apr 4 00:00:00 UTC+0900 1902

To format such a date string to Date

new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zZ yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);


Official SimpleDateFormat documentation

z Time zone General time zone Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00
Z Time zone RFC 822 time zone -0800

I wrote, but I couldn't think of a combination. The whole code is below.

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

String date = "Fri Apr 4 00:00:00 UTC+0900 1902";

// Original format to convert from
SimpleDateFormat formatFrom = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zZ yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);

// Target format to convert to
SimpleDateFormat formatTo = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zZ", Locale.ENGLISH);

// Parse original string, using original format
Date formatDate = formatFrom.parse(date);

// Convert to a target format
String newDate = formatTo.format(formatDate);


reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47165086/how-to-convert-datetime-in-jmeter-using-beanshell-sampler

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