Extract only Python for preprocessing

I've been wandering around the author's github code each time, so I'll put it together for immediate use.

Former story

[Complete preprocessing [SQL / R / Python practice technique for data analysis]](https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%89%8D%E5%87%A6%E7%90%86 % E5% A4% A7% E5% 85% A8% EF% BC% BB% E3% 83% 87% E3% 83% BC% E3% 82% BF% E5% 88% 86% E6% 9E% 90% E3 % 81% AE% E3% 81% 9F% E3% 82% 81% E3% 81% AESQL-R-Python% E5% AE% 9F% E8% B7% B5% E3% 83% 86% E3% 82% AF % E3% 83% 8B% E3% 83% 83% E3% 82% AF% EF% BC% BD-% E6% 9C% AC% E6% A9% 8B-% E6% 99% BA% E5% 85% 89 -ebook / dp / B07C3JFK3V)


Extract the Python part from github below. See the book for detailed explanations.

In addition, these source codes are licensed under the BSD 3 Terms.

BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright (c) 2018, Tomomitsu Motohashi All rights reserved.

Data read

#Load from library
from preprocess.load_data.data_loader import load_hotel_reserve
customer_tb, hotel_tb, reserve_tb = load_hotel_reserve()

#Read from CSV
reserve_tb = pd.read_csv('./data/reserve.csv', encoding='UTF-8')

Type confirmation / conversion


reserve_tb['people_num'] = reserve_tb['people_num'].astype('float64')

Column extraction

#Line by iloc function/Avoid specifying in the column "Number" as it will be a hotbed of bugs.
#However, KFold uses iloc.
reserve_tb.loc[:, ['reserve_id','hotel_id','customer_id','reserve_datetime','checkin_date','checkin_time','checkout_date']]

Delete column

#Specify column deletion by setting axis to 1
#Reserve by specifying inplace as True_Specify tb rewrite
reserve_tb.drop(['people_num', 'total_price'], axis=1, inplace=True)

Extraction of rows by specifying conditions

reserve_tb.query('"2016-10-13" <= checkout_date <= "2016-10-14"')

#When connecting conditions with and&
#When connecting conditions with or|
# @var_Like name@You can use variables in Python memory by writing the variable name you want to refer to after.
#The query function does not support in.

#Sampling the customer ID and extracting the transaction (reservation) corresponding to the extracted customer ID

# reserve_tb['customer_id'].unique()Is a customer that eliminates duplication_Returns id
#pandas to use sample function.Series(pandas list object)Conversion to
#Sample customer ID with sample function
target = pd.Series(reserve_tb['customer_id'].unique()).sample(frac=0.5)

#customer by isin function_Extract rows whose id matches any of the sampled customer IDs


# reserve_tb to 50%sampling


 hotel_When you want to perform aggregation processing for each id. customer_If you want to perform unique count processing for each id

#Use the agg function to specify aggregate processing collectively
# reserve_Apply count function for id
# customer_Apply nunique function for id
result = reserve_tb \
  .groupby('hotel_id') \
  .agg({'reserve_id': 'count', 'customer_id': 'nunique'})

# reset_Replace column number with index function=Since it is True, update the result directly)
result.columns = ['hotel_id', 'rsv_cnt', 'cus_cnt']

#What I want to do: reserve_id and customer_The number of records where both ids are duplicated['dup']Store in a column.
#When you want to add a duplicate row count to the end of a data frame. transform('count')Use

reserve_tb['dup'] = reserve_tb.groupby(['reserve_id','customer_id']).transform('count')

#If there is only one aggregation process, it is easier to write without using the agg function.

#Aggregate unit hotel_id and people_Specify a combination of num
#Total from the aggregated data_Calculate the total sales amount by taking out the price and applying it to the sum function
result = reserve_tb \
  .groupby(['hotel_id', 'people_num'])['total_price'] \

#The column name of the total sales amount is total_Since it is price, price_Change to sum
result.rename(columns={'total_price': 'price_sum'}, inplace=True)

groupby-> agg combo

Apply Aggregate Function [max / min / mean / median / percentile]

#In the agg function, specify the aggregation process of the percentage tile value in the character string(q=20 things)Since it cannot be done, it is specified using a lambda expression.

# total_max for price/min/mean/Apply median function
#Specify Python lambda expression for aggregation process of agg function
#Numpy for lambda expressions.Specify percentile and calculate the percentage tile value (percent is 20)
result = reserve_tb \
  .groupby('hotel_id') \
  .agg({'total_price': ['max', 'min', 'mean', 'median',
                        lambda x: np.percentile(x, q=20)]}) \
result.columns = ['hotel_id', 'price_max', 'price_min', 'price_mean',
                  'price_median', 'price_20per']

Variance, standard deviation

# total_Apply the var and std functions to price to calculate the variance and standard deviation
result = reserve_tb \
  .groupby('hotel_id') \
  .agg({'total_price': ['var', 'std']}).reset_index()
result.columns = ['hotel_id', 'price_var', 'price_std']

#When the number of data is 1, the variance value and standard deviation value are na, so replace them with 0.
#The range to be replaced is all NAs in the DataFrame, so be careful not to replace irrelevant values.
result.fillna(0, inplace=True)

Mode calculation (mode function)

#After rounding with the round function, calculate the mode with the mode function

rank function

#Convert data type from string to timestamp type to sort by rank function
#(Explanation in "Chapter 10 Date and Time Type")
reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(
  reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

# log_Add no as a new column
#Specify the aggregation unit is group_Use by
#Reserve organized by customer_Generate datetime and generate rank by rank function
#Set in ascending order by setting ascending to True(If False, set in descending order)
reserve_tb['log_no'] = reserve_tb \
  .groupby('customer_id')['reserve_datetime'] \
  .rank(ascending=True, method='first')

Merge: merge

#Make the data as small as possible before the join process
pd.merge(reserve_tb.query('people_num == 1'),
         on='hotel_id', how='inner')

How to rewrite a value that matches a certain column condition in Pandas DataFrame

  1. Use the loc function. df.loc [df ['A'] <0,'A'] = -100
  2. Use the where function. Note that it is different from Numpy's where function! If it does not match, it will be replaced.
  3. Use the replae function. When one condition is sufficient (continuous value range cannot be specified)

Time series shift join: shift

#When you want to shift n rows and combine (add past data to features, etc.)
#shift function:A function that can shift data up and down n lines

#Reserve for each customer_Sort by datetime
#Sort by group by applying the apply function after the groupby function
# sort_Sort the data with the values function, sort the rows if axis is 0, the columns if axis 1
result = reserve_tb \
  .groupby('customer_id') \
  .apply(lambda group:
         group.sort_values(by='reserve_datetime', axis=0, inplace=False))

#result is already customer_Grouped by id
#Two previous total for each customer_price before_Save as price
#The shift function is a function that shifts the data row down by the number of arguments of periods.
result['before_price'] = \

Note: python is not suitable for Window function

-Python has a longer code than SQL, so it is better to use SQL when performing processing that requires the Window function. -SQL is overwhelmingly recommended when performing processing that combines with past data for a certain period of time. -The rolling function can only select based on its own data row.

Data partition for model validation in time series data

from preprocess.load_data.data_loader import load_monthly_index
monthly_index_tb = load_monthly_index()

#This book starts from the line below
# train_window_Specify the start line number of the first training data in start
train_window_start = 1
# train_window_Specify the end line number of the first training data in end
train_window_end = 24
#Specify the number of verification data in horizon
horizon = 12
#Set the number of data to slide to skip
skip = 12

#Sort data based on year / month

while True:
  #Calculate the end line number of the verification data
  test_window_end = train_window_end + horizon

  #Get training data from the original data by specifying the line number
  # train_window_If you fix the start part to 1, you can change to verification that increases learning data
  train = monthly_index_tb[train_window_start:train_window_end]

  #Get validation data from the original data by specifying the line number
  test = monthly_index_tb[(train_window_end + 1):test_window_end]

  #Determine if the end line number of the verification data is greater than or equal to the number of lines in the original data
  if test_window_end >= len(monthly_index_tb.index):
    #End when all data is targeted

  #Slide the data
  train_window_start += skip
  train_window_end += skip

#Summarize the results of cross-validation

Numeric conversion

#apply function
reserve_tb['total_price_log'] = \
  reserve_tb['total_price'].apply(lambda x: np.log(x / 1000 + 1)) 

Removal of outliers

#There is no package that summarizes major methods, you have to implement it yourself
reserve_tb = reserve_tb[
  (abs(reserve_tb['total_price'] - np.mean(reserve_tb['total_price'])) /
   np.std(reserve_tb['total_price']) <= 3)

Date type (inevitable in time series analysis)

#Datetime64 as date type[D]You can also specify the type, but datetime64[ns]From datetime64[D]Because there are many inconveniences such as not being able to convert to
# datetime64[ns]It is more convenient to extract the date and time element after converting it to a type.

# to_datetime64 with datetime function[ns]Convert to type
pd.to_datetime(reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
pd.to_datetime(reserve_tb['checkin_date'] + reserve_tb['checkin_time'],

# datetime64[ns]Get date information from type
               format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').dt.date
pd.to_datetime(reserve_tb['checkin_date'], format='%Y-%m-%d').dt.date

Conversion to year / month / day / time / minute / second / day of the week

# reserve_datetime to datetime64[ns]Convert to type
reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] = \
  pd.to_datetime(reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

#Get the year

#Get the month

#Get the day

#Day of the week (0=Get numerical value on Sunday, 1 = Monday)

#Get the time of day

#Get the minute of the time

#Get the seconds of the time

#Convert to a string in the specified format
reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

Get the time difference

# datetime64[ns]Subtraction between types

# reserve_datetime to datetime64[ns]Convert to type
reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] = \
  pd.to_datetime(reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

# checkin_datetime to datetime64[ns]Convert to type
reserve_tb['checkin_datetime'] = \
  pd.to_datetime(reserve_tb['checkin_date'] + reserve_tb['checkin_time'],

#Calculate year difference (do not consider date and time elements less than month)
reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'].dt.year - \

#Get month diff (does not consider datetime elements less than day)
(reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'].dt.year * 12 +
 reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'].dt.month) \
 - (reserve_tb['checkin_datetime'].dt.year * 12 +

#Calculate the difference on a daily basis
(reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] - reserve_tb['checkin_datetime']) \

#Calculate the difference on an hourly basis
(reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] - reserve_tb['checkin_datetime']) \

#Calculate the difference in minutes
(reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] - reserve_tb['checkin_datetime']) \

#Calculate the difference in seconds
(reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] - reserve_tb['checkin_datetime']) \
# timedelta64[D/h/m/s]Difference by type/Time/Minutes/When converted to seconds, the result is "rounded up" after the decimal point (unlike SQL and R).
#For example, if you convert to daily when the difference is 2 days and 3 hours, 3(Day)Is returned

# ???
#Even if you look at the pandas site, it looks like it has been truncated.
# https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/user_guide/timedeltas.html

Increase / decrease of date type

#Load the datetime library for timedelta
import datetime

# reserve_datetime to datetime64[ns]Convert to type
reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] = \
  pd.to_datetime(reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

# reserve_Extract date from datetime
reserve_tb['reserve_date'] = reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'].dt.date

# reserve_Add 1 day to datetime
reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

# reserve_Add 1 day to date
reserve_tb['reserve_date'] + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

# reserve_Add 1 hour to datetime
reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)

# reserve_Add 1 minute to datetime
reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)

# reserve_Add 1 second to datetime
reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)

Seasonal conversion: Define a conversion function and apply.

# reserve_datetime to datetime64[ns]Convert to type
reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(
  reserve_tb['reserve_datetime'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

#A function that converts month numbers to seasons
def to_season(month_num):
  season = 'winter'
  if 3 <= month_num <= 5:
    season = 'spring'
  elif 6 <= month_num <= 8:
    season = 'summer'
  elif 9 <= month_num <= 11:
    season = 'autumn'
  return season

#Convert to season
reserve_tb['reserve_season'] = pd.Categorical(
  categories=['spring', 'summer', 'autumn', 'winter']



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