[JAVA] Annotations used in Spring Boot task management tool


I'm doing a course to make a task management tool using Udemy's React and Spring Boot, and I didn't understand the annotations at all, so I will summarize the annotations I used.

Annotations used


Annotation meaning
@RestController Used when creating a class that is the entry point of WebAPI
@RequestMapping Map paths and HTTP methods
@CrossOrigin Allow access in CORS settings
@PostMappting Annotations for POST requests
@GetMapping Annotation for GET request
@DeleteMapping Annotation for DELETE request
@PatchMapping Annotations for PATCH requests


Annotation meaning
@Service Managed by Spring Boot container when the app starts
@Autowired Inject bean


Annotation meaning
@Repository Managed by Spring Boot container when the app starts
@Override Be sure to override the method


Annotation meaning
@ControllerAdvice Special method dedicated to Controller(@Exception handler etc.)To@RestControllerTo付与したクラスで共有できる
@RestController Recognized as Controller
@ExceptionHandler You can make settings for exceptions that occur in the Controller class.
@ResponseStatus Set HTTP status code


Annotation meaning
@Entity Defined to be a JPA entity
@Id @Adapt Generated Value
@GeneratedValue Generate primary key
@OneToOne You can create a one-to-one relationship. Cascade can also be specified
@OneToMany Have a one-to-many relationship. Cascade can also be specified
@ManytoOne You can create a many-to-one relationship. Cascade can also be specified
@JoinColumn Used when adding columns
@JsonIgnore Excludes Json output
@NotBlank Required. Null, empty string, space cannot be entered
@Size You can limit the number of characters
@Column Columns can be set
@JsonFormat You can convert it to the format you want to output and output it.
@PrePersist Specify the process to be executed before object persistence
@PreUpdate Specifies what to do before the object's attributes are updated

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