[DOCKER] python & jupyterlab container construction


Since I built a container that uses the Python environment using Jupyterlab, I will make a note of the procedure at that time.

Execution environment

[Docker installation environment] ・ Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (on GCP) ・ Docker 19.03.13


    1. Environmental preparation
    1. Build a python container
    1. Added SSH server function
  1. Simultaneous launch of Juypterlab and SSH

1. 1. Environmental preparation

** Create a VM instance on GCP **

** Install docker ** [Systemctl cannot be used on Ubuntu in Docker container] Refer to step 1.

2. 2. Container construction

Get base image


$ docker image pull python:3

Create a container


$ docker container run -it -d --name python-con1 python:3

Go inside the booting container and install some packages


$ docker container exec -it python-con1 /bin/bash

Commands to execute in the container

#Install package
pip install numpy pandas jupyterlab

#Get out of the container

Create modified container image


#Stop container
$ docker container stop python-con1

#Image the current container
$ docker container commit python-con1 python-img:ver1

Confirm that the image has been created


$ docker image ls
python-img   ver1      34ad01ba7efb   41 seconds ago   1.19GB
python       3         d1eef6fb8dbe   2 weeks ago      885MB

Create a container again from the created image.


$ docker container run -it -d \
-p 8888:8888 \
--name python-con2 python-img:ver1
# jupyter lab --ip= --allow-root --LabApp.token=""

Enter the container and start Juypterlab.


$ docker container exec -it python-con2 /bin/bash

Commands to execute in the container

jupyter lab --ip= --allow-root --LabApp.token=""

If you access port 8888 on the host side in this state and juypterlab is opened, there is no problem.

3. 3. Added SSH server function

Install an SSH server so that you can operate directly on each container, and make sure that you can connect to SSH.


#Container creation
$ docker container run -it -d --name python-con2 python-img:ver1

#Enter the container
$ docker container exec -it python-con2 /bin/bash 

Commands to execute in the container

apt update
apt install -y openssh-server
apt install nano

Create the folder required to start the service and register the common key

Commands to execute in the container

mkdir /var/run/sshd
mkdir /root/.ssh/
nano /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
#The contents of the key are the public key[.pub]Copy the contents of the file

Create modified container image


#Stop container
$ docker container stop python-con2

#Image the current container
$ docker container commit python-con2 python-img:ver2

Confirm that the image has been created


$ docker image ls
python-img   ver1      34ad01ba7efb   41 seconds ago   1.19GB
python       3         d1eef6fb8dbe   2 weeks ago      885MB

Create a container again from the created image.


$ docker container run -it -d \
-p 8888:8888 \
-p 20022:22 \
--name python-con3 python-img:ver2 \
/usr/sbin/sshd -D

In this state, if you can SSH to the 20022 port of the docker host from Tera Term etc. of the local PC, it is working normally.

4. Simultaneous launch of Juypterlab and SSH

Create an sh file that starts up ** JuypterLab ** and ** SSH server **, and execute the sh file with the CMD overwrite command when creating the container to automatically service each time the container is restarted. I wanted to launch it, but it didn't work. The cause is that the container will drop when the execution of the sh file itself is completed. I also tried an sh file that loops infinitely, but it didn't work in the end, so I decided to use another method.

First, create a container with the following command so that the SSH service will start when the container starts.


docker container run -it -d \
-p 8888:8888 \
-p 20022:22 \
--name [arbitrary container name] python-img:ver2 \
/usr/sbin/sshd -D

Then, connect to SSH and execute the following command.


jupyter lab --ip= --allow-root --LabApp.token=""

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