How to enable python3 to run when sending jobs from GCP Cloud Composer to Dataflow

What to do in this article

When sending a job from Cloud Composer (apache-airflow = = 11.03) using Dataflow Python Operator, the SDK version on the Dataflow side is now Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Python 2.5.0, which is scheduled to end support. Since it will end up, I will upgrade the version from the execution environment in Python2 to the execution environment of Python3 of ʻApache Beam Python3.x SDK xxx`.

スクリーンショット 2020-03-04 12.19.23.png

Target audience

--Those who have touched Cloud Composer / Air Flow

Execution environment

Possible causes

When sending a job from Cloud Compposer to Dataflow, I think that the possible cause of execution with Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Python 2.5.0 is the implementation of Dataflow Python Operator on the airflow side.

Take a look at the implementation

--Initialize the DataFlowHook class in the ʻexecute function of DataflowPythonOperator and execute the start_python_dataflow function.

--In the start_python_dataflow function of DataFlowHook, python2 is hard-coded as part of the command_prefix argument of the _start_dataflow function.

class DataFlowHook(GoogleCloudBaseHook):

    def start_python_dataflow(self, job_name, variables, dataflow, py_options,
        name = self._build_dataflow_job_name(job_name, append_job_name)
        variables['job_name'] = name

        def label_formatter(labels_dict):
            return ['--labels={}={}'.format(key, value)
                    for key, value in labels_dict.items()]
        # "python2"Is hard-coded
        self._start_dataflow(variables, name, ["python2"] + py_options + [dataflow],

In the future implementation, we will create a command to send a job to Dataflow, but the prefix of this command is still python2 and we will try to execute the Dataflow file as it is, so the execution environment on the Dataflow side is Google Cloud I'm wondering if it will be the Dataflow SDK for Python 2.5.0.

Solution (as of 03/09/2020)

Do the following in order:

1. Install ʻapache-beam` in the Cloud Composer environment

To install apache-beam, install the following 4 dependencies.


To install it, execute the following command. (Put requirements.txt in a suitable directory)


gcloud composer environments update ${environment} \
--update-pypi-packages-from-file airflow/config/requirements.txt \
--location ${location}

2. Create a class that inherits DataflowPythonOperator`` DataFlowHook`

Create a class that inherits DataflowPythonOperator and DataFlowHook of airflow so that the dataflow file can be executed with the python3 command.

Reference link

default_args = {
    'start_date': airflow.utils.dates.days_ago(0),
    'retries': 1,
    'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=1),
    'dataflow_default_options': {
        'project': YOUR_PROJECT,
        'temp_location': DATAFLOW_TEMP_LOCATION.format(bucket=BUCKET),
        'runner': 'DataflowRunner'

class DataFlow3Hook(DataFlowHook):
    def start_python_dataflow(
        job_name: str,
        variables: Dict,
        dataflow: str,
        py_options: List[str],
        append_job_name: bool = True,
        py_interpreter: str = "python3"

        name = self._build_dataflow_job_name(job_name, append_job_name)
        variables['job_name'] = name

        def label_formatter(labels_dict):
            return ['--labels={}={}'.format(key, value)
                    for key, value in labels_dict.items()]

        self._start_dataflow(variables, name, [py_interpreter] + py_options + [dataflow],

class DataFlowPython3Operator(DataFlowPythonOperator):

    def execute(self, context):
        """Execute the python dataflow job."""
        bucket_helper = GoogleCloudBucketHelper(
            self.gcp_conn_id, self.delegate_to)
        self.py_file = bucket_helper.google_cloud_to_local(self.py_file)
        hook = DataFlow3Hook(gcp_conn_id=self.gcp_conn_id,
        dataflow_options = self.dataflow_default_options.copy()
        # Convert argument names from lowerCamelCase to snake case.
        camel_to_snake = lambda name: re.sub(
            r'[A-Z]', lambda x: '_' +, name)
        formatted_options = {camel_to_snake(key): dataflow_options[key]
                             for key in dataflow_options}
            self.job_name, formatted_options,
            self.py_file, self.py_options, py_interpreter="python3")

with airflow.DAG(
        schedule_interval=None) as dag:

    t1 = DummyOperator(task_id="start")
    t2 = DataFlowPython3Operator(

By specifying py_interpreter =" python3 " in the argument of start_python_dataflow executed in the execute function of the DataFlowPython3Operator class, you can execute the Dataflow file with the python3 command. I will.

It is ok if you can confirm that it was executed with the version of ʻApache Beam Python3.6 SDK 2.15.0` as shown below.

スクリーンショット 2020-03-05 11.51.34.png スクリーンショット 2020-03-05 12.26.27.png


A modified PR has been created to allow the python3 command to be executed using airflow's DataflowPythonOperator and has been merged into airflow 2.0 and later.

--issue jira

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