What event sites do Java users often see? I tried to visualize the data collected by connpass and Doorkeeper with Reveal.


What is Reveal

Embedded Reveal Dashboard in Application

Reveal Embedded is a data visualization SDK that can be embedded in your application. With a simple pricing structure and ease of embedding, you can maximize the value of your application.

In this article

What kind of event site do Java users refer to when participating in TECH events? I got the numbers from the Java community of the famous TECH event sites "connpass" and "Doorkeeper" and made a dashboard with Reveal. (This article is based on information from December 2019)

Select the target site

List of famous IT event sites

First of all, I list the event sites that I have used.

Finally narrowed down to two (connpass and Doorkeeper)

Collect Java information at each site I decided to collect data for connpass and Doorkeeper who got a decent volume.

Data collection target

connpass connpass gets the total number of members belonging to the group of category "Java". image.png

Doorkeeper Doorkeeper gets the total number of members belonging to the community of the topic "Java" (*) image.png

Collection result

The results of the muddy collection are summarized in Excel below. (tired...) https://github.com/furugen/Reveal-Samples/raw/master/1218-RevealApp/CommunityData-Doorkeeper-connpass.xlsx

We have simply provided 3 columns.

--Site ... connpass / Doorkeeper --Community name ... Community name --Number of community members ... Number of participating members

Create dashboard with Reveal

What was made

image.png image.png

How to make a dashboard

We will publish a separate video! (Coming soon)


** Doorkeeper is a must if Java users are looking for tech events! ** **

Doorkeeper is overwhelmingly Java users! The difference was about 8 times or more. This is probably the result of the Japan Java User Group, which ranks first in the community with the highest number of members, and the Japan Spring User Group, which ranks second, leading the Java community.

Recently, I often searched for tech events with connpass, but when I tried to search for Java events after a long time, I felt "that? There are few Java events ...?" Depending on the event site, each has its own characteristics, so those who use it must be careful.

This article was Java, but I'd like to visualize .NET (probably strong connpass) and other languages if I have a chance.

I will write an article about Reveal again next time, so please have a look if you are interested!

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