[JAVA] Organize types in Python

This time, we will check the data type.

String type

How to express characters. "What's the weather like today?" In python, it is expressed by enclosing it in "" (double quote) "or"'(single quote) ". The escape character is "\ (backslash)"


msg1 = "How is the weather today?"
msg2 = 'How is the weather today?'
msg3 = "\"How is the weather today?"

In Java, it is expressed by enclosing it in "" (double quotes). If it was surrounded by "'(single quote)", it was a char type. In python, there seems to be no mechanism for expressing characters (char). By the way, the escape character is "\ (backslash)"


String msg1 = "How is the weather today?";
String msg2 = "\"How is the weather today?";
char c = 'now';

Manipulating strings


If you want to concatenate strings in python, simply concatenate the strings with "+".


a = "at first"
b = "second"
c = a + c
print(c)  # =>First and second

There seems to be a way to use a list (I'll write it later).

print("".join(["at first", "second"]))  # => at firstsecond


String a = "at first";
String b = "second";
String c = a + c;
//It's better to use StringBuilder.
// StringBuilder c = new StringBuilder(a).append(b);
System.out.println(c);  // =>First and second

Repeating letters

This is the first grammar I've seen in python. You can use "*" to represent a repeating string.


a = "One"
print(a * 5)  # =>One by one one by one


String a = "One";
//Since there is no repetition in Java, use Stream or StringUtils of Commons lang.There is no choice but to use repeat
System.out.println(IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).mapToObj(i -> a).collect(Collectors.joining()));  // =>One by one one by one

Extraction of characters

A function to extract characters from any location from a character string.


print(a[2])  # => C


String a = "ABCDEFGHIJK";
System.out.println(a.charAt(2));  // => C

Cut out characters

Cut a part from the whole string so that only the CDE in ABCDEFG is taken out. In python, you can cut out with the target character string [index of the start position of the character to be cut out: index of the end position of the character to be cut out -1]. If you want to cut out a certain character, use the target character string [: Index of the end position of the character to be cut out -1]. If you want to cut out after a certain character, use the target character string [Index of the start position of the character to be cut out:]. The fact that it can be cut out in this way means that the python string is also represented in the form of a list of characters.


print(a[2:5]) # => CDE
print(a[2:])  # => CDEFGHIJK
print(a[:5])  # => ABCDE
print(a[:-1]) # => ABCDEFGHIJ


String a = "ABCDEFGHIJK";
System.out.println(a.substring(2, 5));  // => CDE
System.out.println(a.substring(2));     // => CDEFGHIJK
System.out.println(a.substring(0, 5));  // => ABCDE
//This way of python (a[:-1]) I didn't know how to apply.

Also, there seems to be a way to specify how many characters to cut out when cutting out. I was taught. I don't think it's used much, but it's worth remembering.


print(a[::3]) # => ADGJ
print(a[1::3]) # => BEHK


String a = "ABCDEFGHIJK";
//I could only think of this in Java.
System.out.println(IntStream.range(0, a.length())
                   .filter(i -> i % 3 == 0)
                   .mapToObj(i -> String.valueOf(a.charAt(i)))
                   .collect(Collectors.joining()) );  // => ADGJ

Judgment of the presence or absence of characters

Use "in" to see if a string is included in the string. You can also use the find function to determine. By the way, find returns the index of the position where the character string specified in the argument first appears. If the string is not included, "-1" will be returned.


print("G" in a)         # => True
print(a.find("G") >= 0) # => True


String a = "ABCDEFGHIJK";
System.out.println(a.contains("G"));      // => true
System.out.println(a.indexOf("G") >= 0);  // => true

String length

Check using the len () function. It will be returned as an integer type.


print(len("AIUEO")) # => 5


System.out.println("AIUEO".length());  // => 5

Personally, I like the Java format because it matches the Japanese grammar as "How long is Aiueo?".

Numeric type

Integer type (int)

The integer type of python is expressed by inputting numerical values such as "1" and "2" as they are.


num1 = 1
num2 = 2


int num1 = 1;
int num2 = 2;

Calculations between numerical values can be performed by four arithmetic operations (+,-, *, /), remainder calculation (%), and exponentiation calculation (**). Note that the value returned by division (/) is of floating point type. If you want to return an integer type by division, use //. Then, the decimal point is truncated.


4 + 2    # => 6
6 - 2    # => 4
4 * 2    # => 8
4 / 2    # => 2.0
4 // 2   # => 2
5 / 2    # => 2.5
5 // 2   # => 2
5 % 2    # => 1
4 ** 2   # => 16

By the way, in Java it is as follows. Also, Java has no easy way to do exponentiation.


4 + 2          // => 6
6 - 2          // => 4
4 * 2          // => 8
4.0 / 2.0      // => 2.0
4 / 2          // => 2
5 / 2          // => 2
5.0 / 2.0      // => 2.5
5 % 2          // => 1
Math.pow(4, 2) // => 16.0

Float type

Use when dealing with decimal numbers. You can use the same operators as integer types.


True or False. In python, just write "True" and "False". Negation is preceded by not. Please note that the first letter is uppercase. Negative not is all lowercase. In addition, None, numerical value 0, and empty ("", [], ()) are judged as False, and others are judged as True. ~~ Also, be careful as the number 1 is judged to be True. ~~ The bool type is a subclass of the int type, and the True entity is 1 and the False entity is 0. Thank you @shiracamus.


print(bool(""))   # => False
print(bool("a"))  # => True
print(bool(1))    # => True
print(bool(0))    # => False
print(bool(None)) # => False
print(bool([]))   # => False
print(bool(()))   # => False
print(bool([0]))  # => True
print(not True)   # => False

That's all for this time. Now that you know the basic types of python. Next, let's organize the collection types.

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