The image of the lock screen of Windows 10 is beautiful and it changes regularly, so it's good. Wouldn't it be great if you could stock this up and slideshow it with wallpaper? I'm happy.
_ Such a guy _
When I asked Mr. Google, it seems that it is on the following pass. C: \ Users \ (user name) \ AppData \ Local \ Packages \ Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy \ LocalState \ Assets
By the way, it seems that you can also go by typing the following with Run (Win + R) by specifying the file name. %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets
It doesn't have an extension, it looks like the size of the file, it's probably not the size that makes it a wallpaper, or maybe it's an image that seems to be used as an icon.
For the time being, if you add .jpg to the file, it will be recognized as an image.
For the time being, the path of My Pictures is "C: \ Users \ (user name) \ Pictures ".
//Path separator
String spa = FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator();
//Copy source folder
Path fromFolder = Paths.get("C:\\Users\\Kerlon\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\\LocalState\\Assets\\");
//Copy destination folder
Path toFolder = Paths.get("C:\\Users\\Kerlon\\Pictures\\");
//Loop on the file at the copy source
for (String fileName : fromFolder.toFile().list()) {
//Import the file as an image
BufferedImage image = File(fromFolder + spa + fileName));
//For 1920x1080 size
if (image.getWidth() == 1920) {
//Copy source file
Path fromFile = Paths.get(fromFolder.toFile().getAbsolutePath() + spa + fileName);
//Copy destination file(extension.Add jpg)
Path toFile = Paths.get(toFolder.toFile().getAbsolutePath() + spa + fileName + ".jpg ");
//Confirm the existence for the time being
if (!toFile.toFile().exists()) {
//Copy execution
Files.copy(fromFile, toFile);
I'm glad that I was able to copy only the 1920x1080 size image to My Picture.
Right-click on an empty area of the desktop and select "Personalize".
Make the following settings
--"Background" to "Slideshow" --"Choose a slideshow album" to "Picture" ――The rest is as you like
Insert the executable file into the startup. If you do this, it will be executed automatically at startup. For those who do not turn off the power of the PC, it is recommended to use "windows start menu-> all programs-> accessories-> system tools-> task scheduler".
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