I tried to create a class to search files with Python's Glob method in VBA


When searching for folders and files with VBA, the process of searching within subfolders becomes complicated, so I created a class module by referring to Python's Glob.

Source code

VBA use case


Sub GlobTest()
    Dim item As Variant
    With New Glob
        .SetType = Dictionary 'Optional For specifying output format
        For Each item In .iGlob("**\*.cls")
            Debug.Print item
    End With
End Sub


name Return value
iGlob(path) Folder / file search results(Variable output format)
Glob(path) Folder / file search results(Dictionary format)
GlobFolder(path) Folder only search results(Dictionary format)


name value
SetType Output format
GetType Output format
GetCount Number of matches in the search
GetItems Same as the return value of iGlob

Output format type

name format
Dictionary String()
Collection File(),Folder()
ArrayList String()
StringArray String()

Search conditions

Description Output result
\*\ Enumerate folders in the same path
\* Enumerate files in the same path
\*.cls Enumerate files with the extension cls in the same path
\*\* Enumerate files in subfolders
\{*}\* Enumerate files in the same path and subfolders
\**\* Search recursively to list files in all hierarchies

Python reference code example

import glob
for x in glob.glob('**/*.cls', recursive=True):
    print x

Class module body


Private DefPath As String
Private Items As Variant
Private FSO As Object

Enum GlobDataType
    None = 0
    StringArray = 1
    ArrayList = 2
    dictionary = 3
    Collection = 4
End Enum

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        .CurrentDirectory = ThisWorkbook.path & "\"
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set Items = Nothing
    Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub Clear()

    DefPath = ThisWorkbook.path & "\"
    count = 0
    Select Case Me.GetType
    Case GlobDataType.dictionary
        Me.SetType = dictionary
    Case GlobDataType.Collection
        Me.SetType = Collection
    Case GlobDataType.StringArray
        Me.SetType = StringArray
    Case GlobDataType.ArrayList
        Me.SetType = ArrayList
    Case Else
        Me.SetType = Collection
    End Select

End Sub

Public Function GetItems() As Variant
    Select Case Me.GetType
    Case GlobDataType.dictionary, GlobDataType.Collection, GlobDataType.ArrayList
        Set GetItems = Items
    Case GlobDataType.StringArray
        GetItems = Split(Items, "||")
    Case Else
        GetItems = Array()
    End Select
End Function

Public Function GetCount() As Long
    Select Case Me.GetType
    Case GlobDataType.dictionary, GlobDataType.Collection, GlobDataType.ArrayList
        GetCount = Items.count
    Case GlobDataType.StringArray
        If Items = "" Then
            GetCount = 0
            GetCount = UBound(Split(Items, "||")) + 1
        End If
    Case Else
        GetCount = -1
    End Select
End Function

Public Sub AddItem(ByVal name As String, ByVal v As Variant)
    Select Case Me.GetType
    Case GlobDataType.dictionary
        Items.Add name, v
    Case GlobDataType.Collection
        Items.Add v, name
    Case GlobDataType.ArrayList
        Items.Add v
    Case GlobDataType.StringArray
        If Items <> "" Then Items = Items & "||"
        Items = Items & v
    End Select
End Sub

Public Property Get GetType() As GlobDataType
    Select Case Me.GetTypeName
    Case "Collection"
        GetType = GlobDataType.Collection
    Case "Dictionary"
        GetType = GlobDataType.dictionary
    Case "String"
        GetType = GlobDataType.StringArray
    Case "ArrayList"
        GetType = GlobDataType.ArrayList
    Case Else
        GetType = GlobDataType.None
    End Select
End Property

Public Property Let SetType(ByVal TypeName As GlobDataType)
    Select Case TypeName
    Case GlobDataType.Collection
        Set Items = Nothing
        Set Items = New Collection
    Case GlobDataType.dictionary
        Set Items = Nothing
        Set Items = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    Case GlobDataType.StringArray
        Items = ""
    Case GlobDataType.ArrayList
        Set Items = Nothing
        Set Items = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    Case Else
        Set Items = Nothing
        Set Items = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    End Select
End Property

Public Function GetTypeName() As String
    GetTypeName = TypeName(Items)
End Function

Private Function base(ByRef url As String, Optional ByRef key As String = "") As String
    Dim baseUrl As String
    Dim min As Long
    Dim keystr As String
    If Left$(url, 2) <> "\\" And Left$(url, 1) = "\" Then url = Mid$(url, 2, Len(url) - 1)
    If url <> "" Then
        min = 2000
        If InStr(url, "?") And min > InStr(url, "?") Then min = InStr(url, "?")
        If InStr(url, "*") And min > InStr(url, "*") Then min = InStr(url, "*")
        If InStr(url, "[") And min > InStr(url, "[") Then min = InStr(url, "[")
        If InStr(url, "{") And min > InStr(url, "{") Then min = InStr(url, "{")
        If InStr(url, "]") And min > InStr(url, "]") Then min = InStr(url, "]")
        If InStr(url, "}") And min > InStr(url, "}") Then min = InStr(url, "}")
        If min < 2000 Then
            keystr = Left$(Left$(url, min - 1), InStrRev(Left$(url, min - 1), "\"))
            baseUrl = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(keystr)
            key = Replace$(url, keystr, "")
            baseUrl = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(url)
            key = ""
        End If
        If FSO.FolderExists(baseUrl) = True Then
            url = baseUrl
            base = baseUrl
            url = ""
            base = ""
        End If
        url = ""
        key = ""
        base = ""
    End If
End Function

Public Function iGlob(Optional ByVal url As String = "") As Variant

    Dim key As String
    key = ""
    Call base(url, key)
    Call subSearch(url, key, 0)
    If IsObject(Me.GetItems) = True Then
        Set iGlob = Me.GetItems
        iGlob = Me.GetItems
    End If

End Function

Public Function Glob(Optional ByVal url As String = "") As Object

    With New Glob
        .SetType = dictionary
        Set Glob = .iGlob(url)
    End With

End Function

Public Function GlobFolder(Optional ByVal url As String = "") As Object

    Dim item As Variant
    Dim List As Object
    Set List = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    With New Glob
        .SetType = Collection
        For Each item In Me.iGlob(url)
            If TypeName(item) = "File" Then
                If List.Exists(item.ParentFolder) = False Then
                    List.Add item.ParentFolder, item.ParentFolder
                End If
                If List.Exists(item.path) = False Then
                    List.Add item.path, item.path
                End If
            End If
    End With
    Set GlobFolder = List
    Set List = Nothing

End Function

Private Function subSearch(ByVal baseUrl As String, ByVal key As String, Optional ByVal level As Long = 0) As String

    Dim keyArr As Variant
    Dim folder As Variant
    Dim File As Variant
    keyArr = Split(key, "\")
    If UBound(keyArr) > level Then
        If keyArr(level) = "**" Then
            Call recursive(baseUrl, key, level + 1)
        ElseIf keyArr(level) Like "{*}" Then
            For Each folder In FSO.GetFolder(baseUrl).SubFolders
                If folder.name Like keyArr(level) Then
                    Call subSearch(baseUrl & "\" & folder.name, key, level + 1)
                End If
            Call subSearch(baseUrl, key, level + 1)
            For Each folder In FSO.GetFolder(baseUrl).SubFolders
                If folder.name Like keyArr(level) Then
                    Call subSearch(baseUrl & "\" & folder.name, key, level + 1)
                End If
        End If

        If keyArr(level) = "" Then
            If FSO.FolderExists(baseUrl) = True Then
                Me.AddItem baseUrl, FSO.GetFolder(baseUrl)
            End If

            For Each File In FSO.GetFolder(baseUrl).Files
                If File.name Like keyArr(level) Then
                    Me.AddItem File, File
                End If
        End If
    End If

End Function

Private Function recursive(ByVal baseUrl As String, ByVal key As String, Optional ByVal level As Long = 0) As String
    Dim folder As Variant
    Dim keyArr As Variant
    Dim File As Variant
    keyArr = Split(key, "\")
    If UBound(keyArr) > level Then
        For Each folder In FSO.GetFolder(baseUrl).SubFolders
            If folder.name Like keyArr(level) Then
                Call subSearch(baseUrl & "\" & folder.name, key, level + 1)
            ElseIf "{" & folder.name & "}" Like keyArr(level) Then
                Call subSearch(baseUrl, key, level)
                Call recursive(baseUrl & "\" & folder.name, key, level)
            End If

        For Each folder In FSO.GetFolder(baseUrl).SubFolders
            Call recursive(baseUrl & "\" & folder.name, key, level)
        For Each File In FSO.GetFolder(baseUrl).Files
            If File.name Like keyArr(level) Then
                Me.AddItem File, File
            End If
    End If
End Function

Future tasks

--Implement special character escape and regular expression condition specification. --The operation when you enter \ ** \ ** \ has not been verified. --Implemented Array in output format (for speed comparison)

To everyone who uses

--Since debugging is not complete, we will review if there is a problem with the operation, so We would appreciate it if you could share the information. Thank you.

Reference site

-How to use glob to recursively get a list of paths that satisfy the conditions in Python

-[x] Any string with a length of 0 or more: * -[x] Any single character:? -[x] Specific character: [] -[] ~~ Escape special characters ~~ -[x] Recursively get: ~~ Argument recursive ~~ → Can be used without specifying an argument -[x] Get only file name -[x] Get only directory name -[] ~~ Specifying conditions with regular expressions ~~ -[x] Get list in iterator: iglob ()

-glob --- Unix-style pathname pattern expansion -Variable collection summary that can be used with Excel VBA

-[Introduction to VBA] Like operator (wildcard, escape, negation)


letter Description
? Any one character
* 0 or more characters
# Half-width numbers from 0 to 9
[charlist] One full-width or half-width character included in charlist
[!charlist] One full-width or half-width character not included in the charlist

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