Completely translated the site of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python"

Completely translated the site of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python"

1. Overview

There is a book for Python beginners called "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python" in O'Reilly's foreign book, which is the source of the book [English site] ](Http:// has been changed to Japanese translation.

2. Site

Japanese version: English version:

Documented at Sphinx and hosted at Read the Docs.

3. Until the release

The main reason I started was that I had always been interested in translating documents and wanted to get used to Sphinx.

Originally it was translated into Japanese a little, but the update was delayed for about 3 years. Translated the original repository into fork and Japanese and published it in Read the Docs.

When I contacted the official website administrator, kennethreitz, that the Japanese translation was updated, the link was posted and it became the official Japanese.


4. Remarks

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