[JAVA] I made an npm package to get the ID of the IC card with Raspberry Pi and PaSoRi

In the article I wrote earlier Connecting Raspberry Pi and TV via HDMI and checking TV ON / OFF, TV ON / OFF (STANDBY) I told you that you can check the situation from the Raspberry Pi, and if you use it, you can make an elderly watching device without electronic work. Specifically, there is a package called node-cec in npm, and if you install this, Node.js will output HDMI-CEC signals. It was possible to send and receive.

However, in order to obtain a card ID with Raspberry Pi using Sony's IC card reader PaSoRi (RC-S380), use the Python library nfcpy. There is no choice but to use it. To use PaSoRi (RC-S380) from Node.js, it is necessary to link Python and Node.js (such as receiving JSON including card ID using standard input / output).


Even with PaSoRi (RC-S380), just connect the cable to HDMI and node-cec and install the npm package. I wish I could get the ID of the card ... and included a Python script to handle nfcpy [node-nfcpy-id](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ I made an npm package called node-nfcpy-id).


Operating environment

Raspberry Pi side

IC card reader


About card ID and card type

NFC cards that can be read by PaSoRi (RC-S380) are mainly FeliCa standard and MIFARE standard. In the FeliCa standard, the card ID is called IDm, and in the MIFARE standard, the card ID is called UID. With node-nfcpy-id, you can get the card ID as a string (lowercase alphabetic hexadecimal number). The card standard can be obtained with the following numerical values (2, 3, 4) according to nfcpy.


Install Node.js

Install the latest version of Node.js and npm by referring to Installing the latest version of Node.js and npm on Raspberry Pi.

Settings for using nfcpy and PaSoRi

Python 2 is installed by default on Raspbian, so you don't need to install Python itself.

Install python-usb and python-pip with apt-get


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install python-usb python-pip -y

Install nfcpy-id-reader (Python script that works with node-nfcpy-id) with pip. nfcpy is also installed when you install nfcpy-id-reader.


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo pip install -U nfcpy-id-reader

Create a file called /etc/udev/rules.d/nfcdev.rules to make PaSoRi available even with user privileges.


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/nfcdev.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="054c", ATTRS{idProduct}=="06c3", GROUP="plugdev"

Reboot once


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo reboot

Please install node-nfcpy-id on the appropriate directory


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ npm install node-nfcpy-id --save

If you get an error like npm ERR! 404'types / node' is not in the npm registry. when you do npm install, you may have an older version of npm. Please refer to Installing the latest version of Node.js and npm on Raspberry Pi to install the latest version of npm.

how to use

Feature Description


From version 0.1.0, import (require-ing) in CommonJS requires default as shown below.

const NfcpyId = require('node-nfcpy-id').default;

Click here if you want to use the ʻimport` statement in TypeScript, ECMAScript 2015 (using Babel)

import NfcpyId from 'node-nfcpy-id';

Initialization (specify mode)

You can specify the operation mode at initialization

loop mode

Operate the card reader without stopping each card so that multiple cards can be read in succession. You can get the event when the card leaves the card reader. This is the default mode when nothing is specified in the argument of the constructor.

// const nfc = new NfcpyId({mode: 'loop'});
const nfc = new NfcpyId(); // loop mode

non-loop mode

Place the card on the card reader and release it to stop the card reader. You can get the event when the card leaves the card reader.

const nfc = new NfcpyId({mode: 'non-loop'});

non-touch end mode

Once the card is placed on the card reader, it will stop the card reader. I can't get the event when the card leaves the card reader.

const nfc = new NfcpyId({mode: 'non-touchend'});


start () method

Start reading the card with the card reader


You can also use the start () method at the same time as initialization

const nfc = new NfcpyId().start();

pause () method

Stop reading the card with the card reader



You can register an event in the form of EventEmitter.

touchstart event

Occurs when a card is placed on a card reader. The card ID and card type are stored in the argument of the callback function.

nfc.on('touchstart', (card) => {
  console.log('touchstart', 'id:', card.id, 'type:', card.type);

touchend event

Occurs when the card leaves the card reader (not available in non-touch end mode)


ʻIsRunning` property

Returns ture if the card reader is running, otherwise it returns false.

console.log(nfc.isRunning); // true or false

At the end of Node.js

When terminating the Node.js process (including control + C etc.), at the same time, make sure that PaSoRi does not emit radio waves, and then Python also terminates the process.

Illustration of each mode method event



loop mode example

When the card is placed on the card reader, it prints the card ID and card type, and prints touchend when the card leaves the card reader.

const NfcpyId = require('node-nfcpy-id').default;
const nfc = new NfcpyId().start();

nfc.on('touchstart', (card) => {
  console.log('touchstart', 'id:', card.id, 'type:', card.type);

nfc.on('touchend', () => {

nfc.on('error', (err) => {
  // standard error output (color is red)
  console.error('\u001b[31m', err, '\u001b[0m');

Execution example


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ node app
touchstart id: aa7dxxxx type: 2
touchstart id: 0114b3fxxxxxxxxx type: 3
touchstart id: 01103f0xxxxxxxxx type: 3
touchstart id: 0114b3fxxxxxxxxx type: 3
touchstart id: 04192xxxxxxxxx type: 4

Example of non-touch end mode

When the card is placed on the card reader, the card ID and card type will be output, and reading by the card reader will resume after 5 seconds.

const NfcpyId = require('node-nfcpy-id').default;
const nfc = new NfcpyId({mode: 'non-touchend'}).start();

nfc.on('touchstart', (card) => {
  console.log('touchstart:', card.id, 'type:', card.type);
  console.log('Resume loading after 5 seconds');
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 5000);

nfc.on('error', (err) => {
  // standard error output (color is red)
  console.error('\u001b[31m', err, '\u001b[0m');

Known issues

In loop mode or non-loop mode, if you touch some MIFARE cards such as Aime, the touchend event will occur immediately after the touchstart event occurs, and in the loop mode, this will be repeated. A phenomenon like chattering occurs. The same phenomenon occurs when nfcpy is used only in Python.

LT announcement

About this npm package, 2 days in a row !! (1st day) We Are JavaScripters! @ 8th [Beginners welcome LT tournament] "Node.js + Easy IoT with Raspberry Pi "(Slide) wejs-slide-1.png

Try making an npm package

--I thought about publishing it as an npm package and using it, I wrote a process that terminates Node.js with control + C at the same time as Python. --I bought something like a tester that emits light from an LED with an induced current (Kyoritsu Products KP-NFLEW2), but Python does not finish well. I found that PaSoRi remained emitting radio waves (power did not turn off), and I had to look at the nfcpy documentation and sample code to signal it well to turn it off. --Because the signal is used, it is not compatible with Win32. ――I feel that I can control PaSoRi better than writing Python alone. --Because I had to work with Python, I used signals and command line arguments in addition to standard I / O, which made the code complicated. ――It may have been unavoidable in the sense that it absorbs the troublesome part of linking Python and Node.js. ――I tried to write the document and commit log in English (whether they are grammatically correct or not) with the intention of publishing them on npm. ――I felt the difficulty of creating a document in English. ――This Qiita article became like a Japanese document --When I introduced ESLint after someone was talking about coding rules in We Are JavaScripters !, I found a habit of making only the first indent 4 half-width spaces (git diff). Was disappointing)


Reference site

Use PaSoRi USB Felica Reader (RC-S380) with Raspberry pi Npm module in 3 minutes

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