The minimum methods to remember when aggregating data in Pandas

Make a note of frequently used items for basic tabulation, and plan to update at any time


from sklearn import datasets
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict

iris = datasets.load_iris()

df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(,columns=iris.feature_names),pd.DataFrame(,columns=["species"])],axis=1)

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I'm glad that the recent update makes pandas easier to see.




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Basic statistics can be output

df["petal length (cm)"].describe()

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Can be calculated with Series alone



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Can be counted



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So-called dummy variables can be created (Indexed for easy viewing)


df.sort_values("sepal length (cm)",ascending=False)

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df can be sorted (ascending specifies ascending / descending order)

df.sort_values(["sepal length (cm)","sepal width (cm)"],ascending=False)

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Multiple specifications are possible (priority is the index of the argument list)


df_groupby = df.groupby("species",as_index=False)

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Since the groupby object can be reused, it is faster to store the groupby object in a variable when you want to apply multiple similar aggregations.


df_groupby.agg({"sepal length (cm)": "mean",
                "sepal width (cm)": ["mean","count"],
                "petal length (cm)": ["max","min"],
                "petal width (cm)": ["sum","var","std"]})

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By specifying in dictionary format, individual aggregation for each column is possible (However, if you specify multiple aggregations for one column, it will be multi-column, so be careful)

Also, since this is in no particular order, use OrderedDict if you want to specify the order.

df_groupby.agg(OrderedDict((["sepal length (cm)", "mean"],
                            ["sepal width (cm)", ["mean","count"]],
                            ["petal length (cm)", ["max","min"]],
                            ["petal width (cm)", ["sum","var","std"]])))

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When index = False, the next reading is easy Sometimes it cannot be read unless encoding is specified (especially Windows)



%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

% matplotlib inline is a magic command for visualization in Jupyter

Box plot

sns.boxplot(data=df, x="species", y="sepal length (cm)")

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pairplot sns.pairplot(data=df)


sns.pairplot(data=df, hue="species")


Can be divided by segment

jointplot sns.jointplot(data=df, x="sepal length (cm)", y="sepal width (cm)", kind="kde")


distplot sns.distplot(df["sepal length (cm)"], rug=True,)


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