How to handle JSON in Ruby, Python, JavaScript, PHP

I checked how to encode and decode JSON in Python, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP.

For Python

#!/usr/bin/env python                                                           
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-                                                          
import json

#Dictionary format data
dic1 = {"key1": None, "key2": None}
dic1["key1"] = 24
dic1["key2"] = 45
print dic1

#Convert from dictionary format to JSON
json_data1 = json.dumps(dic1, sort_keys=True,indent=4)
print json_data1

json_data2 = json.dumps(dic1,sort_keys=True)
print json_data2

json_data3 = json.dumps(dic1)
print json_data3

dic2 = json.loads(json_data1)
print dic2

#Reconvert from JSON to dictionary format
dic2 = json.loads(json_data2)
print dic2

dic2 = json.loads(json_data3)
print dic2

#Reconfirm element
print dic2["key1"]
print dic2["key2"]

Execution result

$ ./
{'key2': 45, 'key1': 24}
    "key1": 24, 
    "key2": 45
{"key1": 24, "key2": 45}
{"key2": 45, "key1": 24}
{u'key2': 45, u'key1': 24}
{u'key2': 45, u'key1': 24}
{u'key2': 45, u'key1': 24}

For Ruby


#!/usr/bin/env ruby                                                             
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-                                                          
require 'json'

#Hash format data
h = {"key1" => 10, "key2" => 40, "key3" => "Window10"}
p h
p h["key1"]
p h["key2"]
p h["Windows10"]

#Convert from hash to JSON format
j = JSON.generate(h)
p j

#Convert from JSON to hash
x = JSON.parse(j)
p x

Execution result

$ ./test_json.rb
{"temp"=>10, "humid"=>40, "pos"=>"window"}
{"temp"=>10, "humid"=>40, "pos"=>"window"}

For JavaScript

A script that can be executed from the command line.


#!/usr/bin/env nodejs
var sys = require('util');

//Associative array
var d = { key1: 24 , key2: 45 , key3: "Windows10"}; 

//From associative array to JSON format
var json_text = JSON.stringify(d);
sys.print(json_text + "\n")

//Return from JSON format to an associative array object
var obj = JSON.parse(json_text)

Execution result

$ ./test_json.js

For PHP5


#!/usr/bin/env php5

/*Associative array*/
$arr = array('key1' => 24, 'key2' =>45, 'key3' => 'windows');
print "{$arr['key1']}\n";
print "{$arr['key2']}\n";
print "{$arr['key3']}\n";

/*Convert to JSON format text*/
$json_text = json_encode($arr);
print "{$json_text}\n";

/*Convert to an associative array*/
$obj = json_decode($json_text);
print "{$obj->{'key1'}}\n";
print "{$obj->{'key2'}}\n";
print "{$obj->{'key3'}}\n";


Execution result

$ ./test_json.php 

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