Sine curve estimation with self-made deep learning module (python) + LSTM

2017.9.16 postscript. Recently I upgraded a little.

Also, I made it possible to try neural style with copy and paste. For your reference.

I made my own deep learning module in Python (on the way). It is for my own study. The name is an optimizer without any twist. We aim to connect to the network with a small number of keystrokes. Internally, theano is used, but I feel that Define by Run chainer is upward compatible, so May change to chainer.

The program is listed at the end of the article.

The implementation of LSTM and Taylor is suspicious.

Example of use

Like Keras, I am trying to write a network in a worm-like manner. Here, the sine curve is used as the correct value and estimated by a three-layer network.

#Data and label definitions: sine curve
x_arr = random.rand(50).astype(theano.config.floatX) * 10
y_arr = sin(x_arr / 5. * pi)

#Network construction
o = optimizer(x_arr, y_arr)
o = o.taylor(1,6)\         #1st layer:(Self-proclaimed)Taylor expansion layer
     .tanh()\              #Activation function of tanh
     .dense(1)\           #2nd layer: fully connected layer
     .loss(alpha=0.1)\     #Definition of loss function(Learning rate 0.1)
     .optimize()           #optimisation

When you optimize, the following output will appear.

loss: 1.51645341078
loss: 0.0678153863793
loss: 0.0198567226285
loss: 0.0202341528014
loss: 0.00505698460546
loss: 0.00519401907162
loss: 0.00594055800437
loss: 0.00498228924313
loss: 0.0044779176335
loss: 0.00413105668256

Graph the output with view ()


Unknown.png You can check.

The correct answer and the estimation result are as follows. Use pred () to estimate using the trained network.

plt.scatter(arange(0,10,0.1), o.pred(arange(0,10,0.1)), label="Exact")
plt.scatter(x_arr, y_arr, color="r", label="True data")


Display of calculation graph

For example, the following mysterious network

o = optimizer(x_arr, y_arr)
o = o.dense(1).sigmoid()\

The following method


Visualize with. It becomes as follows.


LSTM It's unclear how the recursive structure works for simple sine curve fitting, but I've tried it.

arr = arange(0, 10., 0.01).astype(theano.config.floatX)
y_arr = sin(arr[100:]   * pi)
x_arr = sin(arr[:-100]   * pi)
o = optimizer(x_arr, y_arr)
o = o.lstm().loss().optimize()

The sine wave is the data, and the label is $ \ pi $ out of phase.

When the loss drops, you can cut it with Ctrl-c. The result is as follows.

plt.scatter(arange(x_arr.size), x_arr, color="b")
plt.scatter(arange(x_arr.size), o.pred(x_arr), color="r")
plt.scatter(arange(x_arr.size), o.y_arr, color="g")


Label is upside down for data. It worked because the predict almost matched the label. Only the ones that worked are listed.

Now that I've learned pretty well, I'll try to estimate at different frequencies.

arr = arange(0,10,0.01)
data = sin(arr * pi)
plt.scatter(arr, data, color="r", label="True data")
plt.scatter(arr, o.pred(data), label="Predict")
data = sin(arr / 2 * pi)
plt.scatter(arr, data, color="r", label="True data")
plt.scatter(arr, o.pred(data), label="Predict")
data = sin(arr / 4 * pi)
plt.scatter(arr, data, color="r", label="True data")
plt.scatter(arr, o.pred(data), label="Predict")

It became as follows.


Even if the frequency is different from the training data, it is clearly inverted.

Data is stored in the learner from left to right. Since the LSTM has a recurrent structure, I thought that this estimation result should depend on the input order, so I added random.shuffle (arr) to the above program and put the data in the learner in the order. I tried to make it random.

arr = arange(0,10,0.01)
#arr = random.rand(1000) * 10
data = sin(arr * pi)
plt.scatter(arr, data, color="r", label="True data")
plt.scatter(arr, o.pred(data), label="Predict")
data = sin(arr / 2 * pi)
plt.scatter(arr, data, color="r", label="True data")
plt.scatter(arr, o.pred(data), label="Predict")
data = sin(arr / 4 * pi)
plt.scatter(arr, data, color="r", label="True data")
plt.scatter(arr, o.pred(data), label="Predict")

The result is this.


Low frequencies can be reproduced, but high frequencies are noticeable like noise. After all it seems that the order is important.


Fully combined

Some datasets can be set with `set_datasets ()`.

o = optimizer(n_batch=500)
o.set_datasets("mnist", is_one_hot=False)
o = o.dense(10).loss_softmax_cross_entropy().opt_sgd(0.000001).optimize(100000,10000)

import pylab as p
for n in range(9):
    idx = random.randint(0,59999)
    p.subplot(331 + n)


Iter. 0: loss = 2.3025851249694824
Iter. 10000: loss = 0.3245639503002167
Iter. 20000: loss = 0.22792282700538635



o = optimizer(n_batch=5)
o.set_datasets("mnist", is_one_hot=False)
#o = o.reshape((n_batch,1,28,28)).conv2d(kshape=(4,1,24,24)).relu().pool()
o = o.reshape((1, 28, 28))\
     .conv_and_pool(8, 20, 20)\
     .conv_and_pool( 4,  5,  5).sigmoid()
o = o.flatten().dropout(0.5).dense(10).loss_softmax_cross_entropy()
o = o.opt_Adam(0.008).optimize(10000000,1000)


import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import theano.tensor.nnet as nnet
import theano.tensor.signal as signal 
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy as cp
from theano.printing import pydotprint
from PIL import Image
import os
import matplotlib as mpl
from theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams import RandomStreams
from sklearn.datasets import *
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
mpl.rc("savefig", dpi=1200)

%config InlineBackend.rc = {'font.size': 20, 'figure.figsize': (12.0, 8.0),'figure.facecolor': 'white', 'savefig.dpi': 72, 'figure.subplot.bottom': 0.125, 'figure.edgecolor': 'white'}
%matplotlib inline

class optimizer:
    def __init__(self, x_arr=None, y_arr=None, 
                 out=None, thetalst=None, nodelst=None,
                 test_size=0.1, n_batch=500):
        self.n_batch = theano.shared(int(n_batch))
        if x_arr is not None and y_arr is not None:
            self.set_data(x_arr, y_arr, test_size)
        self.thetalst = [] #if thetalst is None else thetalst
        self.n_view = None
        self.updatelst = []
        self.tmplst = []
    def set_data(self, x_arr, y_arr, test_size=0.1):
        self.x_train_arr, \
        = train_test_split(x_arr.astype(theano.config.floatX),
                           test_size = test_size)
        self.nodelst = [[int([1:]))]] # if nodelst is None else nodelst
    def set_variables(self):
        if self.n_batch.get_value() > self.x_train_arr.shape[0]: 
        self.n_data = self.x_train_arr.shape[0]
        n_xdim = self.x_train_arr.ndim
        n_ydim = self.y_train_arr.ndim
        if  n_xdim == 0:
            self.x = T.scalar()
        if  n_xdim == 1:
            self.x_train_arr = self.x_train_arr[:,None]
            self.x_test_arr = self.x_test_arr[:,None]
            self.x = T.matrix()
        elif n_xdim == 2:
            self.x = T.matrix()
        elif n_xdim == 3:
            self.x = T.tensor3()
            self.x = T.tensor4()
        if n_ydim == 0:
            self.y = T.scalar()
        if n_ydim == 1:
            self.y_train_arr = self.y_train_arr[:,None]
            self.y_test_arr = self.y_test_arr[:,None]
            self.y = T.matrix()
        elif n_ydim == 2:
            self.y = T.matrix()
        elif n_ydim == 3:
            self.y = T.tensor3()
            self.y = T.tensor4()
        self.out = self.x  #if out is None else out
        self.batch_shape_of_C = T.concatenate([T.as_tensor([self.n_batch]), theano.shared(np.array([3]))], axis=0)
    def set_datasets(self, data="mnist", data_home="data_dir_for_optimizer", is_one_hot=True):
        if data == "mnist":
            data_dic = fetch_mldata('MNIST original', data_home=data_home)
            if is_one_hot == True:
                idx = data_dic["target"]
                arr = np.zeros((idx.shape[0],10)).flatten()
                arr[idx.flatten().astype(int) + np.arange(idx.shape[0]) * 10]  = 1
                data_dic["target"] = arr.reshape(idx.shape[0], 10)
        elif data == "boston":
            data_dic = load_boston()   
        elif data == "digits":
            data_dic = load_digits()
        elif data == "iris":
            data_dic = load_iris()
        elif data == "linnerud":
            data_dic = load_linnerud()
        elif data == "xor":
            data_dic = {"data": np.array([[0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1]]),##.repeat(20, axis=0),
                        "target": np.array([0,1,1,0])}#.repeat(20, axis=0)}
            #data_dic = {"data": np.array([[0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1]]).repeat(20, axis=0),
            #            "target": np.array([0,1,1,0]).repeat(20, axis=0)}
        elif data == "serial":
            data_dic = {"data": np.array(np.arange(20).reshape(5,4)).repeat(20, axis=0),
                        "target": np.arange(5).repeat(20, axis=0)}
        elif data == "sin":
            data_dic = {"data": np.arange(0,10,0.01)[:,None],
                        "target": np.sin(np.arange(0,10,0.01) * np.pi)}
        self.set_data(data_dic["data"], data_dic["target"])
    def copy(self):
        return cp.copy(self)
    def update_node(self, n_out):
        self.nodelst = self.nodelst + [n_out]
    def get_curr_node(self):
        return list(self.nodelst[-1])
    def dropout(self, rate=0.5, seed=None):
        obj = self.copy()
        srng = RandomStreams(seed)
        obj.out = T.where(srng.uniform(size=obj.out.shape) > rate, obj.out, 0)
        return obj
    def dense(self, n_out):
        obj = self.copy()
        n_in = obj.get_curr_node()[-1]
        #theta =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_in, n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        #b  =     theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        theta =  theano.shared(np.zeros((n_in, n_out)).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        #b     =  theano.shared(np.zeros((n_out)).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        b = theano.shared(np.random.rand(1).astype(dtype=theano.config.floatX)[0])
        obj.out = + b
        #obj.out   =
        obj.thetalst += [theta,b]
        return obj
    def lstm(self):
        obj = self.copy()
        curr_shape = obj.get_curr_node()
        n_in = n_out = curr_shape[-1]
        #batch_shape_of_h = T.concatenate(
        #batch_shape_of_C = T.concatenate(, axis=0)
#        h = T.ones(theano.sharedl())
        h = T.zeros([obj.n_batch, *curr_shape], dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        C = T.zeros([obj.n_batch, n_out], dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        Wi =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_in, n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        Wf =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_in, n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        Wc =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_in, n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        Wo =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_in, n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        bi =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        bf =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        bc =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        bo =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        Ui =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_in, n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        Uf =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_in, n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        Uc =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_in, n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        Uo =  theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_in, n_out).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        i = nnet.sigmoid( + + bi)
        C_tilde = T.tanh( + + bc)
        f = nnet.sigmoid( + + bf)
        tmp = (i * C_tilde + f * C).reshape(C.shape)
        obj.tmplst += [(C, tmp)]
        C = tmp
        o = nnet.sigmoid( + + bo)
        tmp = (o * T.tanh(C)).reshape(h.shape)
        obj.tmplst += [(h, tmp)]
        obj.out =  tmp
        obj.thetalst += [Wi, bi, Ui, Wf, bf, Uf, Wc, bc, Uc, Wo, bo, Uo]
        return obj

    def conv2d(self, kshape=(1,1,3,3), mode="full", reshape=None):
        obj = self.copy()
        n_in = obj.get_curr_node()
        if reshape is not None:
            obj.out = obj.out.reshape(reshape)
            n_in = reshape
        if obj.out.ndim == 2:
            obj.out = obj.out[None, :, :]
            n_in = (1, n_in[1], n_in[2])
        elif obj.out.ndim == 1:
            obj.out = obj.out[None, None, :]
            n_in = [1, 1] + list(n_in)
        if mode == "full":
            n_out = [kshape[0], n_in[-2] + (kshape[-2] - 1), n_in[-1] + (kshape[-2] - 1)]
            #n_out = [n_in[0], kshape[0], n_in[-2] + (kshape[-2] - 1), n_in[-1] + (kshape[-2] - 1)]
        elif mode == "valid":
            n_out = [kshape[0], n_in[-2] - (kshape[-2] - 1), n_in[-1] - (kshape[-2] - 1)]
        theta = theano.shared(np.random.rand(*kshape).astype(dtype=theano.config.floatX))
        b = theano.shared(np.random.rand(1).astype(dtype=theano.config.floatX)[0])
        obj.b = b
        obj.out = nnet.conv2d(obj.out, theta, border_mode=mode) + b
        obj.thetalst += [theta, b]
        return obj
    def conv_and_pool(self, fnum, height, width, mode="full", ds=(2,2)):
        obj = self.copy()
        n_in = obj.get_curr_node()
        kshape = (fnum, n_in[0], height, width)
        n_batch = obj.n_batch.get_value()
        obj = obj.conv2d(kshape=kshape)
        #.reshape((n_batch, np.array(n_in, dtype=int).sum()))\
        if mode == "full":
            obj = obj.relu().pool(ds=ds)
            n_in = obj.get_curr_node()
            obj = obj.reshape((kshape[0], *n_in[-2:]))
            #obj = obj.reshape((kshape[0], M[0]+(m[0]-1),M[1]+(m[1]-1)))
        elif mode == "valid":
            n_in = obj.get_curr_node()
            obj = obj.reshape((kshape[0], *n_in[-2:]))
        return obj
    def pool(self, ds=(2,2)):
        obj = self.copy()
        n_in = obj.get_curr_node()
        obj.out = signal.pool.pool_2d(obj.out, ds=ds, ignore_border=True)
        n_in[-2] = n_in[-2] // ds[0] #+ (1 if (n_in[-2] % ds[0]) else 0) 
        n_in[-1] = n_in[-1] // ds[1] #+ (1 if (n_in[-1] % ds[1]) else 0) 
        return obj
    def mean(self, axis):
        obj = self.copy()
        n_in = obj.get_curr_node()
        obj.out = obj.out.mean(axis=axis)
        return obj
    def reshape(self, shape):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.out = obj.out.reshape([obj.n_batch, *shape])
        return obj
    def reshape_(self, shape):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.out = obj.out.reshape(shape)
        return obj
    def flatten(self):
        obj = self.copy()
        n_in = obj.get_curr_node()
        last_ndim = np.array(n_in).prod()
        obj.out = obj.out.reshape((obj.n_batch, last_ndim))
        return obj
    def taylor(self, M, n_out):
        obj = self.copy()
        n_in = int(np.asarray(obj.get_curr_node()).sum())
        x_times = T.concatenate([obj.out, T.ones((obj.n_batch, 1)).astype(theano.config.floatX)],axis=1)
        for i in range(M-1):
            idx = np.array([":,"]).repeat(i+1).tolist()
            a = dict()
            exec ("x_times = x_times[:," + "".join(idx) + "None] * x_times", locals(), a)
            x_times = a["x_times"]

        x_times = x_times.reshape((obj.n_batch, -1))
        #x_times = x_times.reshape(self.n_batch, (n_in+1) ** M)

        theta = theano.shared(np.ones(((n_in+1) ** M, n_out)).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        obj.theta = theano.shared(np.ones(((n_in+1) ** M, n_out)).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        #theta = theano.shared(np.random.rand(n_out, (n_in+1) ** M).astype(theano.config.floatX))
        obj.out =
        obj.thetalst += [theta]
        return obj

    def relu(self, ):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.out = nnet.relu(obj.out)
        return obj
    def tanh(self, ):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.out = T.tanh(obj.out)
        return obj
    def sigmoid(self, ):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.out = nnet.sigmoid(obj.out)
        return obj
    def softmax(self, ):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.out = nnet.softmax(obj.out)
        return obj
    def loss_msq(self):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.loss =  T.mean((obj.out - obj.y) ** 2)
        return obj
    def loss_cross_entropy(self):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.loss =  -T.mean(obj.y * T.log(obj.out + 1e-4))
        return obj
    def loss_softmax_cross_entropy(self):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.out = nnet.softmax(obj.out)
        tmp_y = T.cast(obj.y, "int32")
        obj.loss  = -T.mean(T.log(obj.out)[T.arange(obj.y.shape[0]), tmp_y.flatten()])
        obj.out = obj.out.argmax(axis=1)
        #obj.out2 = obj.out.argmax(axis=1)
        #obj.out2 = obj.out[T.arange(obj.y.shape[0]), tmp_y.flatten()]
#        obj.loss2 = T.log(obj.out)[T.arange(obj.y.shape[0]), tmp_y.flatten()]
        return obj
    def opt_sgd(self, alpha=0.1):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.updatelst = []
        for theta in obj.thetalst:
            obj.updatelst += [(theta, theta - (alpha * T.grad(obj.loss, wrt=theta)))]
        obj.updatelst += obj.tmplst
        return obj
    def opt_RMSProp(self, alpha=0.1, gamma=0.9, ep=1e-8):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.updatelst = []
        obj.rlst = [theano.shared(x.shape).astype(theano.config.floatX) for x in obj.thetalst]
        for r, theta in zip(obj.rlst, obj.thetalst):
            g = T.grad(obj.loss, wrt=theta)
            obj.updatelst += [(r, gamma * r + (1 - gamma) * g ** 2),\
                              (theta, theta - (alpha / (T.sqrt(r) + ep)) * g)]
        obj.updatelst += obj.tmplst
        return obj
    def opt_AdaGrad(self, ini_eta=0.001, ep=1e-8):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.updatelst = []
        obj.hlst = [theano.shared(ep*np.ones(x.get_value().shape, theano.config.floatX)) for x in obj.thetalst]
        obj.etalst = [theano.shared(ini_eta*np.ones(x.get_value().shape, theano.config.floatX)) for x in obj.thetalst]
        for h, eta, theta in zip(obj.hlst, obj.etalst, obj.thetalst):
            g   = T.grad(obj.loss, wrt=theta)
            obj.updatelst += [(h,     h + g ** 2),
                              (eta,   eta / T.sqrt(h+1e-4)),
                              (theta, theta - eta * g)]
        obj.updatelst += obj.tmplst
        return obj
    def opt_Adam(self, alpha=0.001, beta=0.9, gamma=0.999, ep=1e-8, t=3):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.updatelst = []
        obj.nulst = [theano.shared(np.zeros(x.get_value().shape, theano.config.floatX)) for x in obj.thetalst]
        obj.rlst = [theano.shared(np.zeros(x.get_value().shape, theano.config.floatX)) for x in obj.thetalst]
        for nu, r, theta in zip(obj.nulst, obj.rlst, obj.thetalst):
            g = T.grad(obj.loss, wrt=theta)
            nu_hat = nu / (1 - beta)
            r_hat = r / (1 - gamma)
            obj.updatelst += [(nu, beta * nu + (1 - beta) * g),\
                              (r, gamma * r +  (1 - gamma) * g ** 2),\
                              (theta, theta - alpha*(nu_hat / (T.sqrt(r_hat) + ep)))]
        obj.updatelst += obj.tmplst
        return obj
    def optimize(self, n_epoch=10, n_view=1000):
        obj = self.copy()
        obj.dsize = obj.x_train_arr.shape[0]
        if obj.n_view is None: obj.n_view = n_view  
        x_train_arr_shared = theano.shared(obj.x_train_arr).astype(theano.config.floatX)
        y_train_arr_shared = theano.shared(obj.y_train_arr).astype(theano.config.floatX)

        #rng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(seed=0)
        #obj.idx = rng.permutation(size=(1,), n=obj.x_train_arr.shape[0]).astype("int64")
        #obj.idx = rng.permutation(size=(1,), n=obj.x_train_arr.shape[0])[0, 0:obj.n_batch].astype("int64")
        #idx = obj.idx * 1
        i = theano.shared(0).astype("int32")
        idx = theano.shared(np.random.permutation(obj.x_train_arr.shape[0]))
        obj.loss_func = theano.function(inputs=[i],
        i = theano.shared(0).astype("int32")
        idx = theano.shared(np.random.permutation(obj.x_train_arr.shape[0]))
        obj.acc_train = theano.function(inputs=[i],
                                      outputs=((T.eq(obj.out[:,None],obj.y)).sum().astype(theano.config.floatX) / obj.n_batch),
        #idx = rng.permutation(size=(1,), a=obj.x_train_arr.shape[0])#.astype("int8")
        #idx = rng.permutation(size=(1,), n=500, ndim=None)[0,0:10]#.astype("int8")
        c = T.concatenate([obj.x,obj.y],axis=1)
        obj.test_func = theano.function(inputs=[i],
#        obj.test_func = theano.function(inputs=[i],
#                               outputs=c,
#                               givens=[(obj.x,x_train_arr_shared[idx[i:obj.n_batch+i],]), 
#                                       (obj.y,y_train_arr_shared[idx[i:obj.n_batch+i],])],
#                               on_unused_input='warn')
        obj.pred_func = theano.function(inputs  = [obj.x],
                                        outputs = obj.out,
                                        updates = obj.tmplst,
        obj.v_loss = []
            for epoch in range(n_epoch):
                for i in range(0,obj.dsize-obj.n_batch.get_value(),obj.n_batch.get_value()):
                    mean_loss = obj.loss_func(i) 
                print("Epoch. %s: loss = %s, acc = %s." %(epoch, mean_loss, obj.acc_train(i)))
                obj.v_loss += [mean_loss]
        except KeyboardInterrupt  :
            print ( "KeyboardInterrupt\n" )
            return obj
        return obj
    def view_params(self):
        for theta in self.thetalst:
    def view(self, yscale="log"):
        if not len(self.v_loss):
            raise ValueError("Loss value is not be set.")
        plt.xlabel("IterNum [x%s]" %self.n_view)
    def view_graph(self, width='100%', res=60):
        path = 'examples'; name = 'mlp.png'
        path_name = path + '/' + name 
        if not os.path.exists(path):
        pydotprint(self.loss, path_name)
        plt.figure(figsize=(res, res), dpi=80)
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, right=1.0, bottom=0.0, top=1.0, hspace=0.0, wspace=0.0)
    def pred(self, x_arr):
        x_arr = np.array(x_arr).astype(theano.config.floatX)
        return self.pred_func(x_arr)

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