Stop an instance with a specific tag in Boto3

I tried to power up the stop process with Boto3 for a specific instance created earlier.

As a premise Add the env tag to EC2 and prepare the instance set as dev as the value.

I couldn't handle Filters well, but I managed to do it. Blog up to commemorate. Next, let's work with Lambda.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# import
import boto3
from boto3.session import Session

ec2 = boto3.client('ec2')
dev_list = []

# def
def get_list():
  instance_list = ec2.describe_instances(
    Filters=[{'Name': 'tag:env', 'Values': ['dev']}]
  for Reservations in instance_list['Reservations']:
    for dev_instances in Reservations['Instances']:
      return dev_list

def ec2_stop(dev_list):
  for instance_id in dev_list:
    response = ec2.stop_instances(

# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":

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