Use tensorflow.train.Saver to save Tensorflow Variables to a file. All Variables in Session are saved by the method described in Tutorial. To save / restore only a specific Variable, give the initialization function of tensorflow.train.Saver a list of Variables you want to target in a dictionary type.
This makes it possible to read Variables individually from multiple files.
import tensorflow as tf
def get_particular_variables(name):
return { v for v in tf.all_variables() if >= 0}
def define_variables(var0_value, var1_value, var2_value):
var0 = tf.Variable([var0_value])
with tf.variable_scope('foo'):
var1 = tf.Variable([var1_value])
with tf.variable_scope('bar'):
var2 = tf.Variable([var2_value])
return var0, var1, var2
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# defines variables
var0, var1, var2 = define_variables(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
# saving only variables whose name includes foo
saver = tf.train.Saver(get_particular_variables('foo'))
# initializing all of variables
print var0.eval(), var1.eval(), var2.eval()
# saving into file, './bar_val')
import tensorflow as tf
def get_particular_variables(name):
return { v for v in tf.all_variables() if >= 0}
def define_variables(var0_value, var1_value, var2_value):
var0 = tf.Variable([var0_value])
with tf.variable_scope('foo'):
var1 = tf.Variable([var1_value])
with tf.variable_scope('bar'):
var2 = tf.Variable([var2_value])
return var0, var1, var2
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# defines variables
var0, var1, var2 = define_variables(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
# restoring only variables whole name includes foo
saver = tf.train.Saver(get_particular_variables('foo'))
# initializing all of variables
print 'before restoring: ', var0.eval(), var1.eval(), var2.eval()
# restoring variable from file
saver.restore(sess, './bar_val')
print 'after restoring only var in foo: ', var0.eval(), var1.eval(), var2.eval()
However, this method requires attention to long names and namespace hierarchies. For example
variable | name-of-variable |
var0 | Variable:0 |
var1 | foo/Variable:0 |
var2 | foo/bar/Variable:0 |
var3 | foobar/Variable:0 |
In such a case, executing get_particular_variables ('foo') above will return var1, var2, and var3. In this way, depending on the search conditions, extra variables are saved, which may cause unexpected bugs when restoring.
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