dict in dict Makes a dict a dict

Regarding the subject, I will report that it was implemented by a python beginner. In the first place, a dict in dict is a dict like the one below.

{'name': '2M2VgARX', 'js': {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 'sdmo'}}

The in dict key and the in dict key are unique even if they are combined, so I wanted to combine them into one dictionary, so I created such a function.

Image after conversion

{'name': '2M2VgARX', 'js_a': 0, 'js_b': 0, 'js_c': 'sdmo'}

There seems to be a standard function, but my search ability is low, so Please note that it was not found.


import secrets
import string

def dict_extract(item, prefix=''):
    return_dict = {}
    for key, value in item.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            prefix += f'{key}_'
            return_dict.update(dict_extract(value, prefix))
            return_dict[prefix + key] = value
    return return_dict

def main():
    # create sample data
    items =[]
    alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
    password = ''.join(secrets.choice(alphabet) for i in range(8))
    for i in range(10):
        password = ''.join(secrets.choice(alphabet) for i in range(8))
        tmp = {'a': i, 'b': i*2, 'c': 'sdmo'}
        tmp_item = {'name': password, 'js': tmp}

    # print dict
    for item in items:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Execution result

{'name': 'ZQ4NaBbc', 'js_a': 0, 'js_b': 0, 'js_c': 'sdmo'}
{'name': 'E5hS6IqS', 'js_a': 1, 'js_b': 2, 'js_c': 'sdmo'}
{'name': 'PC1xzQGi', 'js_a': 2, 'js_b': 4, 'js_c': 'sdmo'}
{'name': 'McJTGCjl', 'js_a': 3, 'js_b': 6, 'js_c': 'sdmo'}
{'name': '3hYsdwB8', 'js_a': 4, 'js_b': 8, 'js_c': 'sdmo'}
{'name': 'UKocBVhJ', 'js_a': 5, 'js_b': 10, 'js_c': 'sdmo'}
{'name': '3QVlhwOn', 'js_a': 6, 'js_b': 12, 'js_c': 'sdmo'}
{'name': 'bspVE4Hp', 'js_a': 7, 'js_b': 14, 'js_c': 'sdmo'}
{'name': 'rLLUxF4f', 'js_a': 8, 'js_b': 16, 'js_c': 'sdmo'}
{'name': '5wt3UCvR', 'js_a': 9, 'js_b': 18, 'js_c': 'sdmo'}



I feel that it is smarter to join with prefix as list. In that case, avoid passing list as an argument. list is a mutable, updatable object. If you specify a mutable object as the initial value of the argument, that object is created when the function is defined, so if you call the function with the corresponding argument omitted, the same object will be used.


def string_arg2(s_arg=['hatsumi']):
    s_arg.append(' san')

for i in range(10):


hatsumi san
hatsumi san san
hatsumi san san san
hatsumi san san san san
hatsumi san san san san san
hatsumi san san san san san san
hatsumi san san san san san san san
hatsumi san san san san san san san san
hatsumi san san san san san san san san san
hatsumi san san san san san san san san san san

The result is like a business card management service. By the way, dict is also mutable, so be careful. It takes a lot of work to initialize.

def string_arg2(s_arg=None):
    if s_arg is None:
        s_arg = ['hatsumi']
    s_arg.append(' san')

for i in range(10):


--There seems to be a standard function of the above implementation. I would be grateful if you could tell me how to find it. .. ――Is there a general name for dict in dict? Nested dictionary? It becomes d in d for short, and it looks like docker in docker and is confusing ...

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