A story packed with absolute values in numpy.ndarray

Recently, I've been doing a little operation on audio files.

With reference to this page, I read it as a 16-bit integer `` `numpy.ndarray``` type.

Display sound waveform in Python (Wav file)

import numpy as np
import wave

def read_wavefile(filename):
    """wav format file numpy.Read as ndarray"""
    wf = wave.open(filename , 'r')
    buf = wf.readframes(wf.getnframes())
    #Convert binary data to 16-bit integer
    return np.frombuffer(buf, dtype='int16')

I wanted to take the absolute value of this voice, so I will convert the array with `` `numpy.absolute```.

arr = read_wavefile('test.wav')
arr_abs = np.absolute(arr)

However, the value `-32768``` in this is not converted to a positive value and remains. If you take the histogram, you can see that the other negative values are positive, but only `-32768``` remains (although the values are fine).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# => <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

# => -32768

plt.hist(np.absolute(arr), bins=100)

ダウンロード (2).png


This was resolved by reading as a 32-bit integer on the first read.

def read_wavefile(filename):
    """wav format file numpy.Read as ndarray"""
    wf = wave.open(filename , 'r')
    buf = wf.readframes(wf.getnframes())
    #Convert binary data to 32-bit integer
    arr = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype='int16')
    return arr.astype(np.int32)

arr = read_wavefile('test.wav')
arr_abs = np.absolute(arr)
# => 0

This is probably because 16bit integers can only represent from -32768 to 32767, so `numpy.absolue I think that the value whose sign was converted with `cannot be converted and the value as it is is output.

(I couldn't find any documentation detailing these specifications)

When using a program for numerical calculation such as Python's numpy or R language, it is often recognized that the data type of C language is used as it is for speeding up, so it is necessary to be more careful than usual. Did.

By the way, the version of `` `numpy``` used this time is 1.13.0.

$ pip freeze | grep numpy

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