How to implement Pagination in GraphQL (for ruby)


In Carely of our service, the server side is implemented by Ruby (on Rails), and the exchange of data with the front (Vue) is implemented by graphQL. Pagination in Rails often uses a gem called Kaminari, but in the case of graphQL, Relay-Style Cursor Pagination seems to be standard, so I tried both implementation methods.

About the gem and version you are using (as of June 26, 2020)

kaminari is version 1.2.1 graphql-ruby is version 1.10.10 is.

Implementation using Relay-Style Cursor Pagination

(URL of graphql-ruby Pagination description)

Server-side implementation example

Describe to use Pagination Plugin in Schema Class as shown below.

class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
  use GraphQL::Pagination::Connections

Use the description :: connection_type to define the Query to which you want to add Pagination functionality.

field :users, Types::UserType::connection_type, null: true do
  argument :name, String, "name", required: false

That's all for the server-side implementation.

Front side query call example

You will be able to specify parameters for first (last), after (before). With the query below, 10 items will be acquired from first and 10 items will be acquired from after by specifying after. For the character string specified in after, specify the character string obtained by cursor. Also, a field called pageInfo can be specified, and is there a previous page or a next page? You can get the position of the start and end cursors.

query MyQuery {
  users (first: 10, after: "xxxx") {
    pageInfo {
   edges {
        node {
   ##Can be taken with nodes
   nodes {

##Example result
  "data": {
    "users": {
      "pageInfo": {
        "hasPreviousPage": false,
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "endCursor": "MTA",
        "startCursor": "MQ"
      "edges": [
          "cursor": "MQ",
          "node": {
            "firstName": "Hogehoge",
            "lastName": "Fuga Fuga",
            "mailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "age": "20"
          "cursor": "Mg",
          "node": {
            "firstName": "Hogehoge 2",
            "lastName": "Fuga Fuga 2",
            "mailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "age": "30"
     "nodes": [
         "firstName": "Hogehoge",
         "lastName": "Fuga Fuga",
         "mailAddress": "[email protected]",
         "age": "20"
         "firstName": "Hogehoge 2",
         "lastName": "Fuga Fuga 2",
         "mailAddress": "[email protected]",
         "age": "30"

Implementation using Kaminari

The general methods used for Pagination in kaminari are as follows.

#Get the first page divided into 10 cases
#total number
#number of tolal pages
#Number of pages per page
#Current number of pages
#Number of next pages
#Number of previous pages
#Whether it is the first page
#Whether it is the last page

Implementation example when using kaminari function with GraphQL

Create a Type for Pagination as shown below.

module Types
  class PaginationType < Types::BaseObject
    field :total_count, Int, null: true
    field :limit_value, Int, null: true
    field :total_pages, Int, null: true
    field :current_page, Int, null: true

Create ʻUserType and ʻUsersType that returns multiple User information and Pagination as follows.

module Types
  class UserType < Types::BaseObject
    field :uuid, String, null: true
    field :first_name, String, null: true
    field :last_name, String, null: true
    field :mail_address, String, null: true
    field :age, String, null: true

module Types
  class UsersType < Types::BaseObject
    field :pagination, PaginationType, null: true
    field :users, [UserType], null: true

Add the following processing to Query to return pagination information.

#Page with argument,Added to be able to pass per
field :users, Types::UserType, null: true do
  argument :name, String, "name", required: false
  argument :page, Int, required: false
  argument :per, Int, required: false

#Use kaminari pagination if there are arguments page and per
def users(**args)
  users =[:page]).per(args[:per])
     users: users,
     pagination: pagination(users)

#Return count using kaminari method
def pagination(result)
    total_count: result.total_count,
    limit_value: result.limit_value,
    total_pages: result.total_pages,
    current_page: result.current_page

This is an example of a query that retrieves the first page divided into 10 items and the result.

query MyQuery {
  users (per:10, page:1) {
    pagination {
   users {

##Example result
  "data": {
    "users": {
      "pagination": {
        "currentPage": 1,
        "limitValue": 10,
        "totalCount": 100,
        "totalPages": 10
      "users": [
          "firstName": "Hogehoge",
          "lastName": "Fuga Fuga",
          "mailAddress": "[email protected]",
          "age": "20"
          "firstName": "Hogehoge 2",
          "lastName": "Fuga Fuga 2",
          "mailAddress": "[email protected]",
          "age": "30"

About proper use

Relay-Style Cursor Pagination It looks good because it is easy to use if you just search for information with API. Since it only has the location information by cursor, if you want to create a UI that displays the total number of cases and the total number of pages on the front side, Custom ) Seems to need to create a connection.

kaminari If you use only in-house engineers and create a UI that displays the total number of cases and the total number of pages on the front side, using kaminari is less man-hours.

Personally, I think it would be better to create a custom connection using Relay-Style Cursor Pagination because it suits the style of graphQL.

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