Let's talk about the passing experience of Java SE 8 Programmer II

This article is the 22nd day article of Fujitsu extended Advent Calendar 2016. Please note that the following content is not representative of the company / organization to which you belong, and is my own opinion.


You must obtain at least one qualification (eg, Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination) specified by joining the company as a new graduate, and the title Java SE 8 Programmer II Oracle certification that can be obtained by passing /pls/web_prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getpage?page_id=5001&get_params=p_exam_id:1Z0-809&p_org_id=70) Qualifications ** Oracle Certified Java Programmer, Gold SE 8 ** (hereafter referred to as Gold), and one rank lower [Java SE 8 Programmer I](http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod- They also include ** Oracle Certified Java Programmer, Silver SE 8 ** (hereafter referred to as Silver), which can be obtained by passing plq-dad / db_pages.getpage? Page_id = 5001 & get_params = p_exam_id: 1Z0-808 & p_org_id = 70). I will. An overview of Oracle-certified Java 8 qualifications is also posted at this URL, but also in the table below. I tried to summarize it in my own way.

name Prerequisite qualifications Qualification exam target
Java Programmer, Bronze SE 7/8 None Java SE 7 / 8 Bronze For beginners who can understand basic grammar such as if statements and object-oriented programming.
Java Programmer, Silver SE 8 None Java SE 8 Programmer I Classes like polymorphism and downcast(interface)Relationships andStringArrayListClass, lambda expression from Java8, date/For developers who understand the basic specifications of standard methods such as the basic usage of the time API.
Java Programmer, Gold SE 8 Java Programmer, Silver SE 8 Java SE 8 Programmer II Design of Immutable objects, generics, inner classes, etc., Java I/O(NIO.Including 2 systems), Executor framework, etc. For experts who can understand grammar and design in detail.
Same as above Java Programmer, Gold SE 7 Upgrade to Java SE 8 Programmer Same as above
Same as above Java Programmer(SE 6 or earlier) Upgrade to Java SE 8 OCP ( Java SE 6 and all prior versions) Same as above

When I was a student, I had the experience of developing simple Android applications on my own using Java, and I often handle Java in my work, so I wanted to achieve the quota for acquiring qualifications early on as a newcomer. Therefore, I aimed to acquire Silver, which is a prerequisite qualification for Gold. As a result, I passed Silver relatively easily in early September of this year, which was not enough for self-improvement, so I want to study more advanced Java grammar knowledge & recently (Java8, Java9) Java interface design In order to grasp the trend, I decided to aim for Gold, which is more difficult than Silver.

Question contents

Oracle official URL It is described with notes about. In this column, I will cite the bullet points of the topics that appear in it and explain them. I hope that those who take the Gold exam will be asked this way, and those who do not take the exam will feel that the latest Java official API is like this. In addition, Gold can not be acquired unless you acquire Silver, so of course we will proceed on the premise that you understand all the question range in Silver as described in the above table.

Java class design

  • Implement encapsulation
  • Implement inheritance including access modifiers and compositions
  • Implement polymorphism
  • Override the hashCode, ʻequals and toString` methods of the object class
  • Create and use singleton and immutable classes
  • Use the keyword static in initialization blocks, variables, methods and classes
  • Write code that uses abstract classes and methods
  • Write code that uses the keyword final
  • Create inner classes such as static inner classes, local classes, nested classes, anonymous inner classes, etc.
  • Use enums, including those whose methods and constructors are in enums.
  • Write code that declares, implements, and extends interfaces. Use @Override annotations
  • Create and use lambda expressions

There is a lot of overlap with Silver, but it is better to understand that creating anonymous classes is strongly related to the functional interface and stream API that will appear later. Also, I remember having problems such as how to design an existing class into an Immutable class. Furthermore, in the enumeration type (ʻEnumclass), the constructor must be given a private modifier, but it is actually public, so the correct answer is to select "Compile error at line XX". There was also a problem that the correct answer would not be noticed unless you read the details such as. Java 8 allows you to definedefault` and concrete static methods in your interface. So

interface A {
	void foo();

interface B extends A {
	default void foo() {}

interface C extends A {
	default void foo() {}

class D implements B, C {}

You can inherit diamonds like this. Naturally, a compile error will occur on the line class D implements B, C {}. Also,

interface E {
	default void x(String s) {}
	static void y(String s) {}
	void z(String s);

An interface definition like ʻE e = s-> System.out.println (s); is because it is a functional interface (default method and concrete static` method are ignored). You can write lambda expressions. Even in the actual exam, I think there was one question based on this content. By the way, the compilation specifications of local classes and anonymous classes have changed between Java 7 and Java 8.

class Outer {
	private static String a = "A";

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Outer q = new Outer();

	public static void foo(String b) {	//Implicitly assigns final modifier to variable b from Java 8
		String c = "C";					//Implicitly assigns final modifier to variable c from Java 8
		Inner inner = new Inner(){
			public void bar(String d) {
				System.out.println(a + b + c + d);
		//b = "BB";
		//c = "CC";

	interface Inner {
		public void bar(String d);

When I compile with the version 1.7 compiler, I get a compile error saying that the local variables b and c must be declared as final, but in version 1.8 the compilation passes. This is because Java 8 has become a specification that implicitly adds the final modifier to the local variables b and c at compile time, and the background is the introduction of the lambda expression described later. I think it's because I wanted it to look natural as if I was passing an anonymous class as a function. However, since the local variables b and c are implicitly given the final modifier, it is NG to uncomment theb = "BB"andc = "CC". A compile error will occur regardless of whether the version of javac is 1.7 or 1.8. By the way, when the above source code is compiled and executed, ʻABCD` is output.

Generics, collection

  • Create and use generics classes
  • Create and use ʻArrayList, TreeSet, TreeMap and ʻArrayDeque objects
  • Use the java.util.Comparator and java.lang.Comparable interfaces

In Java, arrays are covariant, but I remember having problems with generics being immutable. In other words

Number[] array = new Integer[3];

Will compile, but

ArrayList<Number> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(3);

Will result in a compilation error. There was also one wild card and one boundary wild card. For example

ArrayList<?> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();

Will compile, but

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<?>();
ArrayList<?> list = new ArrayList<?>();

Will result in a compilation error on both lines. This is because wildcards should not be used on the right side of =. Also,

ArrayList<? extends Number> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();

Will compile, and for that matter

List<? super Integer> list = new ArrayList<Number>();

Will also compile. You should fully understand the specifications of the java.lang.Comparable and java.util.Comparator interfaces. In that regard, the key class you add to the java.util.TreeMap instance must have a java.lang.Comparable interface ʻimplements, but if you don't ʻimplements, it will be at runtime. A lava.lang.ClassCastExceptionis thrown (note that this is not a compilation error). By the way, no questions related toDeque` were given. Maybe it's just a whim.

Lambda built-in functional interface

  • Use the built-in interfaces included in the java.util.function package, such as Predicate, Consumer, Function, Supplier
  • Use a functional interface that handles primitive types
  • Use a functional interface with two arguments
  • Write code that uses the'UnaryOperator'interface

Since it is a necessary description for the stream API described later, I think it was ** the field with the second largest number of questions **. Be sure to remember the following four interface names, which I personally name ** Four Tenno **, and their abstract method names. If you remember at least these four, interfaces with Bi such asBiConsumer <T, U>and primitive types (ʻint, long, double, boolean) You don't have to remember the interfaces like DoublePredicate and LongToDoubleFunction`, which are specialized for.

Interface name Abstract method name Remarks
Function<T, R> R apply(T t) Four heavenly kingsOne of
Consumer<T> void accept(T t) Four heavenly kingsOne of
Supplier<T> T get() Four heavenly kingsOne of
Predicate<T> boolean test(T t) Four heavenly kingsOnly one of them, this guy will be asked in Silver
BiFunction<T, U, R> R apply(T t, U u) -
UnaryOperator<T> T apply(T t) Function<T, T>Subinterface
BinaryOperator<T> T apply(T t1, T t2) BiFunction<T, T, T>Subinterface
IntFunction<R> R apply(int value) -
ToDoubleFunction<T> double applyAsDouble(T t) double apply(T t)is not
IntToDoubleFunction double applyAsDouble(int value) double apply(T t)is not
IntConsumer<T> void accept(int value) -
IntSupplier<T> int getAsInt() int get()is not
IntPredicate<T> boolean test(int value) -

More important than this knowledge, it is natural that you can associate a functional interface with a lambda expression (or see the method described later), but conversely, you can associate a functional interface with which functional interface you used. Is to be. For example, in the case of the Supplier <String> interface, you can return the String type from the void type, so

Supplier<String> a = () -> "HelloWorld!"

Being able to define lambda expressions like

b = s -> s.concat("World!")

You just have to look at the lambda expression in and associate the variable type of the variable b withFunction <String, String>or UnaryOperator <String>. And it's also important to be able to associate how abstract methods should be used to actually apply a functional interface. If you wanted to use a lambda expression in the previous example to assign a string of HelloWorld! To a variable of type String`` str, then String str = a.get (); or String str = b. Just write apply ("Hello"); . Further applied the above knowledge

DoubleFunction<BiConsumer<Integer, Double>> func = x -> (y, z) -> System.out.println(x / z + y);

There was also a nested lambda expression like. If you want to output the calculation result of 5.0 / 2.0 + 3 = 5.5, writefunc.apply (5.0) .accept (3, 2.0);.

Java stream API

  • Describe stream interfaces and pipelines
  • Filter collections using lambda expressions
  • Use method references with streams
  • Extract data from an object using the peek () and map () methods, including the base version of the map () method
  • Search for data using search methods such as findFirst, findAny, ʻanyMatch, ʻallMatch, noneMatch
  • ʻUse the Optional` class
  • Write code that uses the stream's data and compute methods
  • Sort collections using stream API
  • Use the collect () method to save the results in a collection. Group / partition data using the Collectors class
  • Use the flatMap () method

Partly because it is the main feature of Java8, ** the number of questions is very large, and I think that about 50% of the problems were actually related to the stream API **. I think all the columns I wrote in the bullet points above are important. Streams use the Stream <T> interface and the ʻIntStream` interface specialized for its primitive type, and operate according to the following flow.

  1. Generate a stream that can hold multiple elements from each element of an array, collection, etc. (You can also directly specify the value to hold)
  2. Make some edits to the values held by the stream during mapping, filtering, debugging, etc. (= intermediate operation)
  3. Returns some result from the value held by the stream (= termination operation)

However, please note the following points. This content should also be remembered in connection with the actual exam.

The biggest advantage of the stream API is that you can code 1 to 3 actions in one line **, which is expected to improve the readability of the code and find bugs immediately. For example, suppose you want to write Java code that outputs all sibling and child files / directories from the current directory using NIO.2 added from Java 7 described later. At this time, in javac version 1.7, it was necessary to code a long number of lines by overriding the four abstract methods of the FileVisitor interface as shown below.

import java.io.IOException;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitor;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;

class Search7 {
	public static void main(String[] srgs) {
		try {
					new FileVisitor<Path>() {
						public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
							return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

						public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
							return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

						public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) {
							return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

						public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) {
							return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
		} catch (IOException e) {

On the other hand, in version 1.8, you only need ** very short number of lines ** as below.

import java.io.IOException;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

class Search8 {
	public static void main(String[] srgs) {
		try {
		} catch (IOException e) {

Note that System.out :: println in the Java 8 code is a notation added from Java 8 and is called a method reference. This notation has the same meaning as the lambda expression (Path path)-> System.out.println (path) and can be written even shorter than the lambda expression. Please note that in the actual test, there were quite a few questions related to the functional interface. For example

ToDoubleFunction<String> ds = str -> Double.parseDouble(str);

Can be rewritten as follows.

ToDoublefunction<String> = Double::parseDouble;

From the description of the lambda expression, it is good if you can imagine how to describe the method reference and vice versa. Now, let's return to the explanation of the stream API, but as a test preparation, I will explain according to 1 to 3 above. First, take a look at the code using the stream API below.

Stream<String> stream1 = Arrays.asList("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd").stream();	//Stream generation
Stream<Integer> stream2 = stream1.map(str -> str.length());					//Intermediate operation part 1
Stream<Integer> stream3 = stream2.filter(num -> num > 1);					//Intermediate operation part 2
Optional<Integer> result = stream3.max((num1, num2) -> num1 - num2);		//Termination operation
result.ifPresent(max -> System.out.println(max));

The stream generation function on the first line is an instance of the stream with the type parameter T``stream1 by stream () newly added as a default method in the Collection <T> interface in Java 8. Is being generated. Since the ʻArrays.asList ()method returns theList interface, which is a subinterface of theCollection interface, there were a lot of questions about creating streams using this method. The intermediate operationmap () on the second line is a lambda expression to call length () of the Stringclass for each of the four elements of typeString held in stream1. It is specified. As a result, the four elements of type String are converted to type ʻInteger, which is a wrapper class of type ʻint, which is the return value of length () . Therefore, the values held by stream2 generated by map () are 1, 2, 3, 4. Note that primitive types such as ʻint cannot be described in generics (a compilation error will occur). Also, in the second intermediate operation filter () on the third line, the values 1, 2, 3, 4 held by stream2 are filtered to reduce the number of values held. doing. The filtering specification also uses a lambda expression, which in this example specifies that only elements with a value greater than 1 are retained and the rest are discarded. Therefore, the values held by stream3 are 2, 3, 4. Finally, the termination operation max (), which returns the maximum of the values 2, 3, and 4 held by stream3. However, when finding the maximum value, the definition of maximum must be specified in the argument of max (). This argument is of type java.util.Comparator <T>, and the lambda expression (num1, num2)-> num1 --num2 that represents its abstract method ʻint compare (T num1, T num2)It is specified. By this specification, the maximum value in natural order is calculated, so the flow is to return4. Note that an operation in which it has been confirmed that all the elements 2, 3, and 4are used by the termination operation in this way is called a reduction operation. However, looking at the above example,max () returns an instance result of type ʻOptional <T>. The ʻOptional class is a container class that stores the result of the stream termination operation, and even if the termination operation result isnull, the ʻOptional <T> instance can store null. At that time, the biggest feature is that the ʻOptional instance itself does not become null. In the above example, the last line calls ʻifPresent (Consumer <? Super T> consumer) of the ʻOptional class, and if a value other thannullis stored, it is specified by an argument. If the lambda expression ofconsumer is executed and nullis stored, nothing is done. From this, I think you can read the design that ** eliminates the risk of throwingjava.lang.NullPointerExceptionat runtime **. From the above, since4 is stored in result, 4 is in maxof the lambda expressionmax-> System.out.println (max)of typeConsumer . It will be applied as is and will be output as 4`. If you write the above example in one statement and apply all the method references, the description will be as follows (of course, the execution result is the same).

Optional<Integer> result =
	 Arrays.asList("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd").stream()	//Stream generation
	.map(String::length)								//Intermediate operation part 1
	.filter(num -> num > 1)								//Intermediate operation part 2
	.max((num1, num2) -> num1 - num2);					//Termination operation

In addition to the above, there are many methods for creating streams, performing intermediate operations, and performing terminating operations. I will omit it because it is troublesome to write articles any more ~~, but if you want to be strong in stream API [Official API collection](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/8/docs/api /java/util/stream/Stream.html) Please refer to it. In the actual exam, I feel that all 10 of the 10 bullet points written at the top were given.

Exceptions, assertions

  • Use try-catch and throw statements
  • Use catch, multi-catch and finally clauses Use Autoclose resources with + try-with-resources statement
  • Create custom exceptions and auto-closeable resources
  • Test invariants using assertions

Try-with-resource is a convenient function added from Java 7, but even in the SE8 Gold exam, there were quite a few questions in connection with JDBC, which will be described later. At this time, you need to be careful when the overridden close () method and catch clause are executed.

class Main {
	static class X implements AutoCloseable {
		X() {
			System.out.println("X : Constructor");

		public void close() {
			System.out.println("X : close()");

	static class Y implements AutoCloseable {
		Y() {
			System.out.println("Y : Constructor");

		public void close() {
			System.out.println("Y : close()");

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		try (X x = new X();
			 Y y = new Y()) {
			throw new Exception("Exception");
		} catch (Exception e) {
		} finally {

When you compile the above source file and execute it

X : Constructor
Y : Constructor
Y : close()
X : close()

Is output. Even though the variable y is defined after the variable x, it is easy to get caught without knowing the try-with-resource specification that the close () method calls them in reverse order. Also, it is easy to misunderstand that ʻException is output before Y: close () because it is dragged by the execution order of tryclause →catch clause → finallyclause so far. .. If you remember each of the above results, you can prevent getting caught or misunderstood. In addition, when overriding a method defined asthrows Exception or throws RuntimeExceptionin a superclass, there is one question about how to specifythrows for a method in a subclass. did. Surprisingly, there were two assertion-related questions. Since you only need to learn the syntax of the ʻassert keyword, this is an area that you want to use as a score source.

Date / Time API (Java SE 8)

  • Date-based and time-based events, such as using LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, ʻInstant, Period, and Duration` to combine dates and times into a single object. Create and manage
  • Manipulate dates and times across multiple time zones. Manage daylight savings time changes, such as formatting date and time values
  • Use ʻInstant, Period, Duration and TemporalUnit` to define, create and manage date-based and time-based events.

It's a different API from the stream API newly implemented in Java8, but I think it wasn't asked much. I don't think I've seen any issues with ZonedDateTime, ʻInstantclasses, date / time formats, daylight savings time, including zone information ... However, as was the case with Silver, the hooking problem using the fact that the LocalXXX class is an Immutable class was also asked in Gold. Besides,Period is the date, Durationis the time interval, and I feel that it is enough to remember the ISO 8601 notation of the time, so if the only purpose is to acquire Gold, knowledge of Silver + α I think the degree is enough. In addition, theDate class and Calendarclass in the oldjava.utilpackage did not have any questions. Will it eventually become@deprecated` as the date / time API of the one added to SE 8 becomes mainstream?

Java I/O、NIO.2

  • Read / write data to the console
  • Use BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, File, FileReader, FileWriter, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, ʻObjectOutputStream, ʻObjectInputStream and PrintWriter in the java.io package To do
  • Manipulate file and directory paths using the Path interface
  • Use stream API with NIO.2.

Despite the fact that there are many problems that cannot be solved without knowing the method specifications, the number of questions in the exam is unexpectedly reasonable. It was the field that I was not good at at that time, so I actually moved my hand while looking at the Official API Collection. It's best to understand while implementing the test sample. I think that NIO.2 had more questions than I / O streams that existed for a long time than NIO.2 added in Java 7 (note that it is completely different from the stream API added in Java 8). I will. First of all, the former input / output stream, when a BufferedReader instance is created for a given file,read (),readLine (),mark () from the character string written in the file. There was actually a problem with how it was output using,reset ()andskip (). Here's a quick summary of the differences between read () and readLine () in the table below.

Method name Reading unit Return type At the end of the file
read() One character int(Normal,charExplicitly cast to type to one character) -1return it
readLine() 1 line String(The line feed code is automatically detected and is not included in the return value.) nullreturn it

Here, BufferedReader declares the Reader interface ʻimplements and declares mark () , reset () , etc. in that interface, but all implementation classes of Readersupport operations. Not always. Running these with an unsupportedReader implementation class will throw a java.io.IOException at run time. This support status can be determined by the return value (boolean type) of markSupported () . I don't remember the question status of I / O streams other than BufferReader, but I think that at least the java.io.Serializable interface and ʻObjectOutputStream were not asked. Also, for console I / O relations, you can use the System.in variable of the ʻInputStream type and the System.out variable of the ʻOutputStream type, but thejava.io.Console added from Java 6 You can also use theclass. I think the points of this class are the following two.

I think the remaining NIO.2 is rather important. NIO.2 is stored in the package following java.nio, and implements a function that can manipulate file / directory information that cannot be realized by input / output streams. In the actual test, only the static methods that operate them are provided.copy (Path from, Path to, CopyOption ... option),move (Path from, Path to, CopyOption) of theFilesclass. ... option)is given one by one, and you need to pay attention to the execution results such as LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS and StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING, which allow you to specify options as variable length arguments after the third argument. .. In addition, there are readAllLines (Path path) and lines (Path path) as methods that can read all the sentences in the file line by line. The table below briefly summarizes the differences between them.

Method name Return type Introduced version
static readAllLines(Path path) throws IOException List<String> Java7
static lines(Path path) throws IOException Stream<String> Java8

By the way, the Path interface is specified as an argument of the methods of these Files classes. There were a couple of questions about this Path interface alone. Of course, there is no constructor in the Path interface, and you can create an instance from the following two ways.

Note that the absolute / relative path specified in the Path interface argument does not represent the 0th root directory, but the directory / file closest to the root directory. For example

Path path = Paths.get("/usr/bin/java");
System.out.println(path.subpath(1, 3));

Will produce the following output.


In addition, you should be careful about the difference in behavior when resolve () and normalize () are executed for the Path object with relative path and absolute path.

Java concurrency

  • Create a worker thread using Runnable and Callable. ʻRun tasks concurrently using ExecutorService`
  • Identify potential threading issues such as deadlocks, starvations, live rocks and race conditions
  • Use the keywords synchronized and the java.util.concurrent.atomic package to control the thread execution order
  • Use collections and classes of java.util.concurrent such as CyclicBarrier and CopyOnWriteArrayList
  • Use parallel Fork / Join framework
  • Use parallel streams for reduction, decomposition, merge process, pipeline, performance, etc.

First, let's learn the basic usage of parallel processing using threads using the Thread class and Runnable interface, and the basic usage of exclusive processing and synchronous processing. For exclusive processing, specify the synchronized modifier to the method or block, and for synchronous processing, use java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier. Note that the Runnable interface is a functional interface with one abstract method,run (), so you can assign lambda expressions. I think that the Executator framework had about two questions, but I think that you can not understand the movement unless you know it. The Execurator framework introduces the concept of a thread pool that spawns multiple threads at once when instantiating and stores them until they are used. In addition, it implements the execution scheduling function of each thread and demonstrates excellent thread reusability performance. To prepare for the exam, you need to understand the behavior of ʻExecutor Service. See the code below for an example of using ʻExecutorService.

Runnable r = new Runnable() {
	public void run() {
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
			System.out.println("Runnable : " + i);

Callable<Integer> c = new Callable<Integer>() {
	public Integer call() {
		int i = 0;
		for (; i < 5; i++) {
			System.out.println("Callable : " + i);
		return i;

ExecutorService es = null;
try {
	es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);

	Future<?> f1 = es.submit(r);
	Future<Integer> f2 = es.submit(c);
	System.out.println(f1.get() + " : " + f2.get());
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
} finally {

ʻExecutors.newFixedThreadPool (3) creates a ʻExecutorService instance ʻesthat represents a thread pool with a fixed number of 3 threads. Run the predefinedRunnable tasks on this instance with ʻexecute () using one of three threads. Tasks can also use the Callable <T> interface instead of the Runnable interface, the differences being shown in the table below.

Functional interface name Abstract method Return type checked Exception throwability
java.lang.Runnable run() you have tovoidTo impossible
java.util.concurrent.Callable call() Type parametersTSpecified by throwsPossible by specification

At this time, the thread execution function has one of the following four patterns.

Method name Return type After executing the taskFutureValue stored in
execute(Runnable task) void -
submit(Runnable task) Future<?> null
submit(Runnable task, T t) Future<T> t
submit(Callable<T> task) Future<T> Callable<T>ofT call()Value returned by

Future <T> is an interface that represents the task execution result, and you should remember the mechanism that the thread waits until the task is completed by get () and returns the result of T type as it is when it is completed. is. From the above, in the line System.out.println (f1.get () +": "+ f2.get ());

null : 5

Is output. Finally, run shutdown () to shut down ʻesand stop accepting new tasks. If you don't call theshutdown ()method, the program will not end and will continue to wait after all threads have finished processing. I think that the image will come out just by remembering the series of operations as described above. In addition to theCyclicBarrier, the java.util.concurrentpackage implements thread-safeList, Map, Set, and Queue` interfaces. For example, see the code below.

List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));

new Thread(){
	public void run() {
		for (Integer num : list) {
			System.out.println("Thread : " + num);

for (Integer num : list) {
	System.out.println("Remove : " + num);

At first glance, the result seems to change with each execution, but in reality, the exception java.util.ConcurrentModificationException is always thrown.

Exception in thread "Thread-0" Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
	at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(ArrayList.java:901)
	at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.next(ArrayList.java:851)
	at Main.main(Main.java:18)
	at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(ArrayList.java:901)
	at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.next(ArrayList.java:851)
	at Main$1.run(Main.java:12)

The Java extension for statement calls the iterator (= ʻIterator interface) implemented in the collection, but adds elements of the collection that are not thread-safe, such as ʻArrayList, during iteration by that iterator. / This is because the specification throws an exception java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when deleted. I personally think that this is one of the pains that you can't understand until you actually implement it. As a workaround

List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));

Replace the line with the thread-safe java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList class as shown below.

List<Integer> list = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));

There are many thread-safe collections besides CopyOnWriteArrayList, but for now summary of classes provided in the java.util.concurrent package You just need to take a quick look at (/jp/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/package-summary.html) to determine which collections are thread-safe. I remember that one question was given from each of the atomic and Fork / Join frameworks. Atomic (= a series of indivisible operations) was given the ʻAtomicInteger class, which defines a method that performs exclusive processing such as the synchronized modifier on primitive types such as ʻint. The Fork / Join framework only needs a rough understanding of how to write the overall code.

JDBC database application

  • Describes the interfaces that make up the core of the JDBC API, including the Driver, Connection, Statement, and ResultSet interfaces and their relationship to the provider's implementation.
  • Identify the components needed to connect to the database using the DriverManager class, such as JDBC URLs
  • Issue queries and read results from the database, including creating statements, retrieving result sets, repeating results, and closing result sets / statements / connections properly

JDBC mainly requires understanding of the following two perspectives.

In the actual exam, I remember that only about 4 questions about how to use the latter JDBC API were asked, but the knowledge of the former may also be asked as a multi-choice question, so it is necessary to understand the operation of the system. think. From now on, only the latter will be explained in this article. It is most important to understand how to use the JDBC API from the basic flow of coding that can connect / operate the database in the following order.

  1. An object that implements the Connection interface generated byDriverManager.getConnection ()
  2. An object that implements the Statement interface generated byConnection.createStatement ()in 1.
  3. An object that implements the ResultSet interface generated byStatement.executeQuery () in 2.

All three of these objects can be tried-with-resource applied and close () executed. So be aware that executing any method on each closed object will throw a SQLException. For example, for a variable ʻURLthat represents a URL that can connect to a givenprivate static final String` type JDBC.

try (Connection cn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL);
	 Statement st = cn.createStatement()) {
	ResultSet rs1 = st.executeQuery("SELECT id FROM shop");
	ResultSet rs2 = st.executeQuery("SELECT name FROM shop");

	if (rs1.next()) {
	if (rs2.next()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {

If you reuse the Statement type variable st as in, rs1 will be closed at the point where rs2 is generated. So rs1.next () throws a SQLException. Note that ResultSet cares about the row / column index starting at 1 instead of 0. Therefore, for a variable rs of type ResultSet, rs.getString (0) etc. will compile, but SQLException will be thrown at runtime. However, rs.absolute (0) does not throw a SQLException at runtime even for compile errors. This is because running rs.absolute (0) will move you to the blank line before the first line of rs (by the way, this method returns a boolean type and the result is a successful move. Returns true as). In addition to this, the following questions were asked, and both were asked one by one.


  • Explain the benefits of localizing your application
  • Use the Locale object to read and set the locale
  • properties Create and read files
  • Create a resource bundle for each locale and load the resource bundle in your application

There are two ways to initialize a Locale instance that represents a particular region:

Despite the fact that many Java standard APIs do not use new these days, the Locale class newly added in Java 8 has an unusual design that can be initialized using a constructor. The above Locale variable initialization method was actually asked. It can also be initialized by the Locale.Builder class, which is a static nested class of the Locale class, but I think that there was no initialization using it in the mock questions and actual tests described later. .. Although not newly added in Java8, the ResourceBundle abstract class that represents a resource bundle that centrally manages information such as language, numerical value, and passage information for each specific region is [Standard API](https: //). It exists at docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/8/docs/api/java/util/ResourceBundle.html). In the Java standard API, the following two methods have existed for a long time as a way to describe the above information to realize the resource bundle.

In the actual test, I remember that only the latter of the above two design methods was asked, but I was also asked how to use the resource bundle using it. In this article, I would like to give both as examples. First, for the former, write a class that represents the following resources.


package com.gold.eight.java;

import java.util.ListResourceBundle;

public class Test_ja_JP extends ListResourceBundle {
	protected Object[][] getContents() {
		String[][] contents = {
			{"capital", "Tokyo"},
			{"currency", "yen"},
			{"language", "Japanese"}
		return contents;

Recall that the reason why the return value is ʻObject [] []but returnsString [] []is because Java arrays are covariant as described in Generics. The 0th element is the key value and the 1st element is the key value, such asjava.util.Map <String, String>for theString []nested inside theString [] []. Enter the value that corresponds to the key value. Here, the class name is Test_ja_JP, but Test` is called the base name, followed by the underscore to describe the language code and country code of the locale information. Now, let's use this resource as a resource bundle as follows.


package com.gold.eight.java;

import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.gold.eight.java.Test", Locale.JAPAN);

When you compile and execute the above two java files, the output will be as follows.


Load the resource with the line ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle ("com.gold.eight.java.Test", Locale.JAPAN); . At this time, you must write "package name.base name" as a character string in the first argument of getBundle (). Also, since the Locale instance can be specified as the second argument, Locale.JAPAN corresponding to the language code and country code mentioned earlier is written. When reading the information written in the resource, getString () of the Resourcebundle instance is used to specify the key value string as an argument, but if a nonexistent key value is specified, java.util. MissingResourceException is thrown. Also, the latter method of creating a properties file can be described in the following format instead of Test_ja_JP.java.



Here, too, the file name is the base name followed by an underscore, and the language code and country code of the locale information are described. If you want to use it as a resource bundle, it is the same as Main.java.

Study record

I will write as much as I can remember how I spent from the time I started studying until I got Gold.


Although I acquired Silver, I felt that I was not satisfied with my self-improvement, so I decided to acquire Gold the next day.


I received the Oracle Certification Textbook Java Programmer Gold SE 8 (commonly known as purple book) that I found on Amazon, so study. have started. Imgur It's more like a textbook than a collection of problems, so I read it at a pace of three or four days a week, albeit irregularly. I think I started reading the second lap from mid to late October 2016. Underline the classes and methods that you see for the first time, and sometimes implement them by yourself while actually looking at the Official API Collection. I was deepening my understanding.

2016/10/23〜 While reading the second lap of the purple book, it is a Gold version of the problem collection that was taken care of at the time of Silver [Thorough capture Java SE 8 Gold problem collection [1Z0-809] correspondence](https: // www I learned about the release of .amazon.co.jp/dp/4295000035/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_x_WjptybSP18FB5) (commonly known as Kuromoto), and immediately found it on Amazon. Imgur Silver's black book has a polite explanation, and questions that look exactly like the mock questions at the end of the chapter were given in the actual exam. So, I decided to solve it after reading and understanding the purple book two laps. I think the first page was actually opened from early to mid-November.

2016/11/23 I read purple books for more than two laps and read about half of black books, so I decided to apply for the exam. My goal was to get Gold in November, but there was no test center nearby that I could take the exam in November, so I had to apply for it on December 3rd.

2016/12/3 test day. When I actually received it, I felt it was easier than I had expected for purple and black books. I think that I finished solving everything including the review and sent the answer with the timing of about 1 hour remaining. Shortly thereafter, CertView sent me the results and I knew it passed. Imgur


Finally, I will write about until passing & what I noticed after passing. After all, the first thing I noticed is that as the latest official API design comes, I somehow understand the flow of design history, such as throwing an exception at runtime instead of throwing an exception as much as possible **. For example, the concept of resource bundles came out before the time when generics came out (Java 5), so the return type of getContents (), which is an abstract method of ListResourceBundle, is ʻObject [] []. It has become `. So

protected Object[][] getContents() {
	Object[][] contents = {
		{"A", "1"},
		{"B", 2},
		{"C", 3.0}
	return contents;

You can compile scary code like this, as if you were asking me to raise a java.lang.ClassCastException. From the introduction of the generics added after that, I somehow understand the design flow to reduce the risk of throwing java.lang.ClassCastException by deciding where the type can be statically determined at compile time ( Well, you can cast using ʻinstance of ...). More recently, Java 8 has also added the ʻOptimal <T> type, which attempts to reduce the infamous java.lang.NullPointerException as much as possible. As a result, early bug detection can be expected in the development process, and the risk of the operating system going down is reduced. Also, ** constructors such as Console class and LocalDateTime class can be hidden by specifying private **, Path interface, ʻExecuratorServiceinterface, etc. ** Abstract classes and interfaces usenew. Recently, there are an increasing number of designs that do not use constructors as much as possible by taking advantage of the fact that instances cannot be used. This is because it prevents the designer from using classes and methods that have been redefined by ʻextends / ʻimplements` that were not intended. It would be a problem for API designers and API users if an exception due to an incorrect order of method execution is always thrown by executing a method with an incorrect definition change. Even so, most vendor qualifications are expensive for newcomers. I applied a discount ticket when I took the Gold exam, but if I pay the exam fee properly, it costs 26,600 yen for Silver and 26,600 yen for Gold, for a total of 53,200 yen. Well, it seems that there are qualifications for exam fees that are much higher than this. .. By the way, it seems that Java 9 will be released in March 2017, but will Java 9's Bronze, Silver, and Gold qualifications appear as well as Java 8? If so, I think that you can get Java 9 Gold by passing Upgrade to Java SE 9 Programmer, but if you pay the examination fee of 26,600 yen one by one, you will also need to pay the operating cost. Still, I would like to keep up with the latest trends in Java to the extent that I am not a qualification enthusiast. That said, if you had the Upgrade to Java SE 9 Programmer, would it be the most problematic issue with Project Jigsaw, which is the main feature of Java 9? ~~ jshell, I don't think I can make a problem in the first place. ~~

It was a poor article, but thank you for reading to the end.

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