The rough difference between Unicode and UTF-8 (and their friends)

Unicode and UTF-8.png

What is Unicode

A character set. Manage by adding an integer value called code point to each character. There is.

What are UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32?

[Character encoding]( E6% 96% B9% E5% BC% 8F). Converts the code point integer value to a byte string for computer use.

What is endian?

The order in which bytes are arranged when recording data consisting of multiple bytes in memory or when sending and receiving over a network. Sometimes called ** byte order **. For big endian, arrange from the upper side, and for little endian, arrange from the lower side.


Verification code

This is the code when I verified it with Python when writing this article.

In [1]: import unicodedata

In [2]: import binascii

In [3]:'Depression') #Look up the name

In [4]: ord('Depression') #Examine the code point
Out[4]: 39729

In [5]: binascii.hexlify('Depression'.encode('UTF-8')) # UTF-Encode to byte string at 8 and then convert to hexadecimal representation
Out[5]: b'e9acb1'

In [6]: binascii.hexlify('Depression'.encode('UTF-16'))
Out[6]: b'fffe319b'

In [7]: binascii.hexlify('Depression'.encode('UTF-16LE'))
Out[7]: b'319b'

In [8]: binascii.hexlify('Depression'.encode('UTF-16BE'))
Out[8]: b'9b31'

In [9]: binascii.hexlify('Depression'.encode('UTF-32'))
Out[9]: b'fffe0000319b0000'

In [10]: binascii.hexlify('Depression'.encode('UTF-32LE'))
Out[10]: b'319b0000'

In [11]: binascii.hexlify('Depression'.encode('UTF-32BE'))
Out[11]: b'00009b31'

In [12]: binascii.hexlify('Pleasure'.encode('UTF-16'))
Out[12]: b'fffeeb5f1f61'

In [13]: binascii.hexlify('Pleasure'.encode('UTF-16LE'))
Out[13]: b'eb5f1f61'

In [14]: binascii.hexlify('Pleasure'.encode('UTF-16BE'))
Out[14]: b'5feb611f'

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