Differences in sys.path depending on how Python is started (v3.8.2)


There are several ways to start a Python program, which will result in different values for the module search path sys.path.


View v3.8.2 version

--Python setup and usage, 1. Command line and environment. Https://docs.python.org/ja/3/using/cmdline.html


Put simply

--If you specify a file etc. directly, the directory related to it comes to the beginning of sys.path --If you specify a module with -m, the current directory becomes the first element. --In either case, the module name is the string " __main__ ".

The summary is as follows. The author didn't know that he could launch directories (packages) and .zip files.

pythonArguments after What is done Its module name(__name__) sys.pathFirst element of
<.py file> That file __main__ <The directory where the file is located>
<directory> <directory>/__main__.py __main__ <directory>
<.zip file> .zip fileInside__main__.py __main__ <.zip file>
-m <module> <module>.py __main__ Current directory(Empty string)
-m <package> <package>/__main__.py __main__ Current directory
-c <command> __main__ Current directory
- Script passed as standard input __main__ Current directory

Precautions when using -I

If you specify -I in the boot options, you have specified -E -s and the interpreter boots in ** isolated mode **. At this time, the above ** first element is not added to sys.path (due to the influence of -s). ** ** So basically, you can (absolutely) import only modules installed with pip install. Note that even the module next to the execution script cannot be imported [^ 1].

[^ 1]: The module next to the execution script cannot be imported relative to it. This is because relative import from the __main__ module is not possible.

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